fifteen [beginnings and endings]

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f i f t e e n

beginnings and endings


Less than twenty-four hours later, we arrived in Williamsport. The bus pulled up in front of a large building I assumed was the place known as the Grove, and we all piled out, luggage in hand.

"Alright everyone, listen up!" Coach Kolmansberger yelled, grabbing our attention. "The dorm setup is a little different here, so pay attention. For the players, we'll have two in each room, and one with three: Camden and Braden, Jake and Bailey, Adam and Zack, Jaden and Cole, Jarrett and Dylan, and Kaden, Ethan, and Chayton. Parents and siblings get a room to themselves. Riley and Raegan, you can have your own room, since we have an extra." [A/N: obviously the dorms aren't anything like this irl, but for the sake of the story it'll be set up basically like a hotel]

Raegan and I smiled at each other, relieved we wouldn't have to share a room with the boys or our parents.

"Now hurry up and find your room, we have to be at orientation in half an hour," he said as he handed us our key cards.

We picked up our bags and headed into the building, which was crowded with players from the other teams. The coaches led the way to the elevators, which we rode up to the third floor. Another team was already there, but it looked like their rooms were on the opposite side of the elevator, which split the floor in half.

The boys paired off and went into their rooms, and Raegan and I found ours, which was near the end of the hallway. We went inside and put our bags down, and picked which bed we wanted.

"But you always have to pee in the middle of the night," I said when Raegan picked the bed farthest away from the bathroom. "I don't want you to wake me up at one in the morning when you trip over your suitcase getting to the bathroom."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. But you'll be sorry when a robber breaks in and I get murdered first because I'm closest to the door."

"Nah, I think Jaden will be sorrier than I will," I said with a smirk.

She blushed and looked away. "Shut up."

Just then my phone vibrated with a new text. I took it out of my pocket and read the text:

from: Zoe

we just got here!! where should we meet you?

Zoe and Maggie had just gotten back from their vacation, and since they couldn't come to Bristol, I invited them to come with us to Williamsport. There wasn't room on the bus, so they decided to just meet us there.

I told them to meet us outside of the Grove, and told Raegan what was going on. After making sure we had a key card to get back in the room, we went back downstairs to the lobby and outside to the front entrance, right as they pulled up in the circle drive.

Zoe and Maggie got out of the car, going around to the trunk to get their suitcases out before walking over to where we were standing and hugging us.

"It feels like we haven't seen you guys in forever!" Zoe said after she pulled away.

"It's only been two weeks," I laughed. "But I know what you mean."

"We should probably head inside soon," Raegan said. "It's getting late and we still need to get key cards for you guys."

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