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  Food, is the most important thing you only think about when your stomach is growling.


Yuto shout in JUMP sheared house, he look around and see everyone is busy, no one look at him or even pay attention to him.

"Mou~ Hidooooooi yooo Minna~". He Whined and lay in the ground, his friend saw him and sit next to him.

"Yuto?? Why are you laying in the cold floor like this?!". Yuto look up to his friend and tilt his head.

"Who are you?!". He asked and make him frown.

"Eeh!! Yuto it's me! Ryosuke!! Are you ok?!". Ryosuke ask him panicky.


Yuto tilt his head, he need time to process what is going on and who is in front of him now.

"Here, let me help you".

Ryosuke hold his arm and help him to stand up, Yuto lose his balance but Ryosuke hold him fast.

"Hang in there Yuto!".

"Foooood.....I Need Foooooood~". Yuto murmured and Ryosuke look at him.

"Food?! Are you hungry?! ". Ryosuke ask him and Yuto look at him.

"I want food now, Or I will eat you". Yuto said and hold Ryosuke's hand and bite it.

"Ittai!!! Yuto I'm Not Food!!".

"I'm hungry~". Yuto said while trying to bite Ryosuke's cheek.

"Yuto!! I Will Make Food if You Want! But Don't Eat Me!!". Ryosuke said as he push Yuto's face away from him.

"Foood~ I want Foooood~".

Yuto become like a zombie now, he can't think of anything except food, why is he like this?? it's only two days, he was busy and everyone was busy, when he wants to eat he don't find anything, and because he is lazy he don't want to do and search for something to eat, and now here is the result, So Damn Hungry Like a Vampire wants blood to live.

Ryosuke can't take it anymore, he can't handle this Hungry boy who is trying to eat him alive.

"Keito!! Hikaru!! Stop Your Lovey-Dovey Moments and Help me Here!!". Ryosuke shout at his friends and they look at him annoyingly.

"Mou~ We are busy ~". Hikaru said.

"Busy You Said?!!! STOP FLIRTING AROUND AND HELP ME!!". Ryosuke shout angrily and Finally Keito and Hikaru stand up and hold Yuto away from him.

"Come with me to the kitchen ".

Ryosuke said and they follow him to the kitchen, Ryosuke start cooking as HikaTo holding Yuto tightly into the chair so he won't attack Ryosuke and eat him.

"Foood!! I Want Food!!". Yuto said as he struggle between HikaTo's strong hands.

"I'm almost done, wait a little". Ryosuke said as he cut some meat.

After minutes, Ryosuke Finally finished  and set the food in front of Yuto.

"Release him now". 

Ryosuke order them and they release him, Yuto take his chopsticks and start eating in a hurry, in seconds he wants more, more and more and more, Hikaru and Keito looked at him blankly.

"Oi Yuto!! Leave Something For Us!!". Hikaru said but Yuto won't listen to him.


He give Ryosuke his plate and Ryosuke take it, Ryosuke was so amazed by the guy in front of him, he already eat four plates and he need more!.

"Ne Keito, remind me to Not Let Yuto get hungry again". Ryosuke said as he look at Yuto who eat fast.


"Why?! Look at Him!! He Finish 4 Plates And This is The Fifth!! He Finish All The Food We Got! We Have To Go To Buy Some Stuff For The Dinner Later Or There is No Dinner For Us!". Ryosuke said as he point at Yuto.

" Well.....We were busy and he was busier, we can help it if he feel hungry ". Keito said and Hikaru nodded.

"You know guys, I feel hungry now, Yuto can I-----".

"NO!! IT'S MINE!".

Yuto shout as he take the plate from Hikaru and push him away, Keito help Hikaru to stand up from the floor.

"What The......YUTO!!". Hikaru shout and Keito hold him.

"Hika let him be, he is hungry and can't think of anything now except eating!!". Keito said and Hikaru sighed.

"Mou! Let's Go Out And Eat Keito!".

Hikaru hold Keito's hand and get out the kitchen, Ryosuke sighed and look at his friend who is busy eating.

"If you feel hungry, tell me, I will make you something to eat ne? Just try not to be hungry that much". Ryosuke said and Yuto look at him.

"Ryosuke!!". Yuto shout his name and make him stunned.


"......More Please~". Yuto smile as he give him the plate and Ryosuke sighed.

"Mou~ Yuto~".

For two hours, Yuto didn't stop eating witch make the other members leave to eat out because there is no food in the house.


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