Chapter 2: Why Do I Need French Math

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French Immersion sucks.

You get yelled at if you say "Hello." Instead of freaking "Bon jour, je m'apple Lilly-Anne Margaret Beside, et j'ai manger le petie enfants!"

(And I don't)

I sat on my bed, running my fingers through my large mane of extremley curly head of hair.

"Who needs French Math!?" I yelled to no one in particular.

And we really don't do any math in class, the teacher just goes along yelling at someone for saying "Yes." And we write down stuff.

And I have to put up with it until June. Freaking. 30th.

I don't think I could go that long with failing and not learning for 9 more months before I go on a national killing spree.

Once again, not a physcopath.

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