Chapter 1

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~~Taylor's P.O.V~~

Today is the first day og school from quitting Magcon, hope nobody knows who I am. So I got ready, I was wearing shorts with Nike socks and vans, a Nirvana band T-shirt, and my hair flipped. I decided not to wear a bandana because it might give the obvious out that I'm Taylor Caniff, and I don't want people to know who I am at this point. I parked my GMC truck in the schools parking lot and when I entered through that door, it was nerve wracking. This guy had greeted me and he said his name was Fisher, and he seem really nice, so we became friends instantly. He showed me where the office was and went in there with me since it was my first day. I asked for the schedule and she handed me my schedule.

1st: History
2nd: Ag
3rd: Biology
4th: English
5th: P.E
6th: Creative Arts
7th: Health
8th: Math

Fisher and I had a couple of classes together, but in the other classes were a good time to make new friends. Fisher and I had first period together. It was Mrs. Odom and she was world history.

**skip to lunch**

It was lunch. FINALLY!! I am starving. I had brought my food. I went and sat with Fisher and his friends. "Hey Taylor, this is Trevor" he said pointing to a guy with a batman shirt on and batman socks with vans, and this is his girlfriend Hayden. Man this guy is obsessed with batman. "This is Cayde, and this is Blake, and the girl setting next to Cayde is his girlfriend Abi" and he said pointing to Cayde and Blake. Cayde was wearing a Nike sweatshirt with basketball shorts with Nike socks and shoes. Blake was wearing a dressy shirt with skinny jeans and some boots (a/n like the ones harry styles wears) and the others weren't their. I hear a girls voice and I turn around and their is this smoking hot girl named Briana. She went and sat next to me. Yeah I mean she is hot and everything but I seen this other girl, and she went and sit next to Blake and I'm guessing it was his girlfriend since he has his arm around her waist. "Hey babe" I heard Blake say to the girl "hey" the girl said back and then they pecked each other's lips. Briana sat next to this guy named Calvin, I think and then they started to eat each other's faces.

Next i have Creative arts. I dont think anyone i know is in this class.





Their wasnt many people in this class maybe like 15 people not that much. So all we did was take notes and talk a little. Next period is Health and i think Blakes girlfriend has it with me. It turned out that she does cause she sits next to me. "Hi Taylor"
"Uh.. hi Madison" maybe i did like her, i mean she was beautiful compared to Briana. "Uh.. thanks"


"You said that i was beautiful compared to Briana"

"Oh.. uh, your welcome"

"Haha, your funny"

"Um thanks"

"No problem"

We exchanged each other numbers. So it was Math now and i have Calvin, Fisher, Blake, and Madison.

After school i had followed Madison down to the football field and sat beside her as she watched her Blake played football.

After football practice Blake came toward Madison and hugged, laughed, and kissed. I honestly believe that they are a cute couple. All of a sudden i saw Madison run off over to Calvin, i dont know why but it made me. It honestly look like she has been crying.

I walked to Blake and said "What the fuck did you do to hurt a beautiful girl like her?" I said as angered boiled in me.

"This has nothing to do with you, so why dont leave me and her alone."

"No i wont leave this alone, you do realized that you just hurt a very beautiful girl."

"Yes i do."

She then ran off away from Calvin. I watched her run away and then i heard Briana's laugh. Its so annoying. After that i ran after Madison and I couldnt find her.


When Madison ran to me crying of course i had asked whats wrong, even though i knew wjat she was going to say because Blake told me that he was going to break up with her after football practice and that made me mad. She ran away still crying and then rhat new guy 'Taylor' i think came up to me and asked where she went.

"I dont know man, i dont know where she went"

"Alright, thanks"

"No problem"

I knew where she went. Madison and I used to date for awhile, i think like for a year or so, but anyways whenever things like this happen she runs to the elementary playground. Ita where me and her would always be if something was on our mind. I got in my truck and headed to 'our place' and thats where i saw sitting on the swings. I walked to the next swing beside her and she started to talk.

"Do you remember when we were being kids and played hide-and-go-seek here?" She asked me.

"How did you know rhats it me?" I asked her.

"Because your the only one who knows about this place, its 'our place'"

"Oh ok. Yeah, i do remember." I started to laugh a little remembering those days. Man i missed those days. As if she read my mind she said

"I miss those days Calvin. I really do."

"I do to Madison. Hey Madison?"


"Can i ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure go ahead"

"Why did we break up?"

"Honestly, Calvin, i dont know. I honestly dont remember."

She started to lean in and so did I and our lips touched and it felt amazing. It felt the same as it did a year ago.

"Hey why dont i take you home"

"Okay. That would be a good idea since it is getting late"

We held hands all the way to her house and when i dropped her off, she gave a quick kiss, which felt amazing.

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