Do u love me?*India love*

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India gets abuse by her boyfriend name jxmmi and she tired of him abusing her for no reason and he two faced because he loves her then beats her like make u fucking nigga...

Jxmmi"Wtf u doing"

India"On my phone"

Jxmmi"Why u always texting ur dad"

India"Why don't get outta my business "

Jxmmi"Don't try to get mad me bitch I'm just asking u a damn question"

India"Muthafucker who an the fuck do think yo--!!"

Jxmmi*Slaps her across the face*"Listen bitch don't ever y'all at me again u lil whore"

India*Runs into another room and locked the door then fall on the floor crying*

Jxmmi"Baby I'm sorry please come out"

India"Why so u can rape me again ?"

Jxmmi"No baby imma make up to please just give one more chance ok"

India*Walks to the door and opens the door*

Jxmmi"Baby I'm really,really sorry "

India"Why tho,why?"

Jxmmi"U know I like to drink and shit but ima stop...for u.Ok?"

India"Ok"*Sobbing on his shoulder*

Jxmmi"I love u india,look at me....I mean it"

India"I love u too,but I was scared of u when u kept raping me"

Jxmmi"I'm so sorry babe I was just outta control"

India"I understand "


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