Chapter 16

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What two chapters in one day!!!!!


"God I'm so excited to hang out with everyone" I said to Harry as we pulled into Liam's driveway

"Me too" Harry said opening my door giving me his hand

"Hey Carl how are you?!" Liam asked pulling me into a hug "I'm good thanks Li " I said pulling away

"Hey Caroline"

"Hi Niall"

"Hey Caroline this is Perrie my fiancé " I've heard about Perrie so much and her band Little Mix but I've never actually met her so this is good. "Hello Perrie I'm Caroline" I said giving her my hand so she can shake it. "Oh love your too cute" she said pulling me into a tight hug.

"Lou and El are in the kitchen making snacks so yeah" Harry said "Do you want to sit?" He asked me

"Yeah sure" I answered

"Oi Caroline and Harry are here it's a party now!" Louis shouted exiting the kitchen. "Louis there's no need to be so loud" El said playfully pushing Lou. God there so cute together

'Ding dong'

"Oh that's probably Ash, Krista, and Alexis" Liam said opening the door to revival my best friends.

"Hey Liam thanks for having us" Ash said as they entered the sitting room.

I got up to greet my friend and properly introduce them to the rest of the gang.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Harry asked

"Truth or Dare!!!" Louis shouted again. Boy he is loud. Everyone nodded in agreement.

Everyone sat down in a circle on the floor in this order: me, Harry, Zayn, Perrie, Ash, Louis, El, Alexis, Krista, Niall, and Liam.( A/N not really sure if that made sense but Caroline is I between Harry and Liam)

"Alright I'll go first" I said "Liam truth or dare?"

"Umm dare"

"Ok I dare you to lick Louis' foot"

"Eww that's gross but ok"

A couple more rounds went by with the same typical questions everyone always ask like "how old were you when you lost your v card" and stupid things like that.

Through out the whole game I noticed Niall and Krista flirting. Ahhhhhh this is perfect! They would be such an amazing couple.

"Babe it's your turn" Harry said to me. I love it when he calls me that

"Right umm Niall truth or dare?" I asked

"Dare" he answered. Perfect yes my plan is going well

"I dare you to kiss Krista on the lips. Not likes peek but like a full on make out" I said

Krista and Niall looked at each other and both blushed

"You ready?" Niall asked leaning into her



And then they kissed. When the finally pulled apart thay looked each other in the eye and smiled.

"Ok I think Perrie and I should get going it's getting late" Zayn said standing up "yeah us too" Louis said

"Bye guys " I said as they left

Now it was just me Harry Niall Ash Alexis Krista and Liam

The rest of the night krista and Niall continued to flirt.

"Buy guys I'll talk to you soon" I said and the rest of the gang left except for Harry and Liam of course. It is his flat. Look at me more british talking

"Babe it's getting late I should take you home you have work in the morning" Harry said warping his arms around my waist" ok let me just say goodbye to Liam and then we can go"

I said my goodbye and Harry dropped me off at my place

"Do you want to spend the night?" I asked Harry

"Yeah only if you want me to"Harry said

"Yes please"


Harry and I got ready for bed and we layed down on my bed under the sheets.

"Harry do you think Krista and Niall would make a good couple?" I asked him

"Yeah they really hit it of tonight" Harry answered

"I know they were so cute together" I said

"Not as cute as us" Harry said pulling me closer to him

"Yeah your right" I said giving him a peek on the lips and he smiled

"Goodnight love"he said

"Good night.... Umm Harry?"


"I love you" his eyes were closed bit he still smiled

"I love you too Caroline"


OMG what will happen between Niall and Krista

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Love you guins

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