as the wolf fell in love with the lion

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Chapter One:

Tap Tap Tap Tippity Tap,

My pen was blur on the desktop while my teacher, my warden, the only person holding me back from my summer vacation. He was asking a quenstion about the Civil War.  

"Christopher!" I looked up and a boy eye pointed Foul, 

"Yes Mr. Foul?"

"Can you please tell us which general ended the war?"


"Good you know how to pay attention." I rolled my eyes and looked at Zero. Zero isn't a loser no he's far from it, he's both the star swimmer and the star football player. His real name is Alastair Kai. In and out of the water he goes from zero to sixty in seconds. Our eyes locked for the briefest moment before I returned to tapping my pen and staring out the window. My phone buzzed and I looked down to answer it. It was my best friend Faith and the current girlfriend of Zero's twin brother Kyle.

Where u at?

Summer School. Where else?

I closed my phone just as the final bell rang its sweet melody of freedom. Zero's eyes locked with mine once more before he walked out the door into the mid summer afternoon. My phone buzzed once more thinking it was Faith again I opened it and was greet with Zero's face and '1 NEW TEXT MESSAGE' I hit 'OPEN' and read,

'Run l8ter? After dinner? Nd 2 tlk 2 u.'

'Sure. ;)'

I hurried out the door and hopped onto my skate board and hurried home. Zero and I live on the same street. I passed his house and noticed he was home. Tempted to walk into his house, I surpressed the urge and went home.When I arrived home , the smell of my mother's cooking greeted me. I put down my board and followed the smell of her cooking into the kitchen where I found her stirring a pot of beef stew.

"Hi Mom!" I hugged her and kissed her cheek. Grabbed a  apple out of the bowl on the table. I leaned against the cuboards. " Mom do you mind if me and Zero go for a run after dinner?"

"No not at all. Just make sure to be home before midnight." I rolled my eyes.

" Yes Mom" My  mom handed me a bowl of stew. I slurrped it down fast. Before you knew it i was out the door. I ran down to Zero's house. I rang his door bell. Kyle opened the door.

"Zero! Your boyfriend is here!" Kyle yelled up the stairs. Zero came running down the stairs. He pushed Kyle out of the way. He grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. He dragged me to his room. He shut and lock his door.

"Chris I-I really like you as more then just a friend." His cheeks turned pink as he put his head down. I walked over to him and put my arms around his waist. Suprised at first he puts his arms around me. Even through he is six inches taller then me, he burries his head into the crook of my neck. My ear pressed against his chest I hear his heart beat its faster then normal. He's nervous. "Chris?" I look up at him. "Will you be my boyfriend?" 

Tears spung to my eyes I nod my head madly. He picks me up and spins me around in a circle. He puts me down, he has a big smile on his lips. I had an urge to kiss him. I stand on my tippy toes. My lips brush against his. His big strong hands on my hips. His finger tips dig in alittle. I let out a puppy whimper. 

"Al why did you lock the door?" I asked. He looks down with guitly eyes. 

"Because there's a thing we have to do." He took a breath " We have to - we have to - we have to uh...."

"We have to what?" I look at him questionly.

"We have to unite the families." My eyes widen. His cheeks turn pink again. I walk over to the window.

"Since when have the wolf and the lion mated?" I was mad. Zero stayed silent. "When? Never! It's never been done before! Who decided this? Was it always our fate? Why did you know but not me? Why didn't I know?" By this time Zero walked over to me and I was sobbing into his shirt, but not sad sobbing - anger sobbing. My hands fists his shirt but he didnt seem to mind. 

I finally stopped crying but was barely awake. Zero picked me up. I was limp in his arms. He set me down on his bed. My eyes dropped, I struggled to keep them open. He brushes a stand of hair out of my face. My eyes dropped and it went black.

Alastir's POV

He fell asleep on my bed curled up next to my chest. His lips slightly parted. His heart beat slow and steady. His breathing normal. I watch the rise and fall of his chest. He growls in his sleep, a deep, life threatening, deep chested growel. I became bored after awhile and began counting the specks on my ceiling. When I reached a number beyond three hundered and seventy, Chris woke up, she looked at me first and then at hisself. Clearly relieved to find he was still dressed.b 

"Do you really think I would rape you?"

"No. Its a natural reaction." he defended. I rolled my eyes. "What's that surpossed to mean?" he demanded.

"Nothing just like your cuteness." His cheeks reden.

"You think I'm cute?" he seemed surpised. I lifted his chin, his eyes held mine. There was somthing I never saw before: vanurablity.

"No-" I slowly leaned foreward as I say " No I think your beautiful." I was centimiters away from his face.

"Kiss me" He wishpered. I did as he said. My lips at first brushed his. he had enough, he smashed his lips on mine. It was perfect. His fingers tangled in my hair. My hands on his hips pulling him closer. 

It was perfect till my twat of a twin pounded on my door. I choose to ingore him. He pounded again, making my door shake. he pulled away from me.

"You should get that before the bear breaks it."he says. My twin was the bear. Big ole black bear. Explains everything! i un tangle myself from Chris and answered the door. i glared at him.

"What the hell to you want?" my anger getting the best of me. he looked half asleep. his hair was messy, strands were every which way.

"mom-" he yawns "wants you." this cant be good. "and bring chris" he walked into his room. i hear the springs of his bed as he climbed in. few seconds later i hear his bear of a snore.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2013 ⏰

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