You Again?

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Its been about a week and I still haven't heard from Tyler. I came to the conclusion that something was wrong or maybe he was avoiding me. But then I would wonder, what did I do wrong anyways?

My phone started ringing which knocked me out my thoughts but I ignored it. I removed the covers from my body and was hit with the cool breeze from the ac blasting. I stood to my feet and headed to my bathroom.

I stepped into the bathroom and looked in the mirror at my puffy face and red eyes and sighed.

My mama always told me not to cry over no boy but its hard.. I genuinely loved this boy.

Moments later my phone started ringing again. I rolled my eyes and walked back into my room searching through the covers for my phone.

I grabbed it without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?"

"Hell- girl are you still crying!" Donna yelled in my ear making me move the phone away from me.

"No I'm not. I just been in bed all day and havent really done much so thats probably why I sound a way." I replied getting comfy under the covers again.

"Well listen sis you better get your ass up now before I come down there and beat you." She replied. "You're not staying in the house tonight. We're going out so be aware because I'm not taking no for an answer so BYE!" She yelled and hung up before I could even respond to anything.

I sighed and threw my head back in frustration because I knew I couldn't protest so I got up and looked for an outfit to wear later on tonight. Might as well do it now.

Usually when we go out it either was to some club or someone we knew house party so I settled on a simple black dress that complimented my curves.

I sighed and placed the dress on my computer chair. Moments later my door bell rang so I went to get it.

Once I reached downstairs, I opened the door to Donna who immediately hugged me tight.

"You good?" She asked still hugging me tight.

"Yes Donna I'm fine." I rolled my eyes waiting for her to let me go.

"Well good cause you're gonna have to suck it up tonight!" She smiled.

"Yeah whatever. Where are we going anyways?" I said locking up the door and turned around to see Donna no where in sight.

I smiled and shook my head. She probably went upstairs. I jogged upstairs to my room and saw her sitting down on my bed.


"What bitch!" She yelled back causing me to jump on her and pin her down.

"Quit it!" She replied laughing hysterically.

"Tell me where we're going first." I replied smiling.

"Alright! Just get off of me you're not as light as you think!" 

"Okay okay tell me or I wont go anywhere." I whined.

"As if you had a choice." She laughed and I playfully rolled my eyes. "We're going to Bobby's house party."

"Figures." I replied raising my eyebrows. She was one of the students that use to go to school with us and she recently got her own place so hey I would be throwing parties too.


"You gonna past through this party with me tonight?"  Melvin asked while scrolling through his phone.

Ruthless (EDITING/NOT YET FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now