The Leaving

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Luhan is at the dorm, alone, packing his stuffs while the others were out for practice. While packing, he found some stuffs that he bought with his fellow members, he stop, remembered the koala hat he bought with Xiumin and Lay during Chanyeol's birthday. After he finish packing, he decide to go around the dorm. He look at the dining table, he remembered having a dinner with his members, once Chen chocked when having an eating competition with Baekhyun. His lip form a smile. Then, he continue to the living room, remembered having a bubble blowing with Sehun, he lost, and ended up making funny faces at Kris. Remembered the first time they celebrated christmas as 12 members, having a ddubbokki and a competition among them to choose the strongest member and to choose a members who have a lot of tears. His eyes start tearing as he look at the clock . " The other members will be home soon. I better hurry" he whisper. Then, he went back to his room, took a paper and start writing a letter. He fold into two and put on the top of his pillows. Then he walk outside of the dorm and took a last look. "Thank you, goodbye, sweet memories" he whisper, he burst into tears while walking away faster, scare if the others will see him.

Soon after Luhan left, the members arrived at the dorm, laughing together at Baekhyun lame jokes, except one who fake his laugh. After they got in, they went to living room, while Sehun went straight to Luhan's room, carrying a box of honey chicken on his hand. "Hyung, I bought you a--" he stop. There's no one in the room. Then, he went out again. "Hyung, Luhan hyung isn't in his room, where is he?" He asked. Lay lowered his head, nobody notice it. "I don't know, probably out for a medical check up" Baekhyun answer. "Just put it on his table, it's the only safe place" Suho add, the others laugh. But Lay didn't, he know that Luhan isn't out for a medical check up. Sehun went back to Luhan's room. He put the box on the table next to Luhan's bed. He was going out but glance at something. It's a letter. He took it and read it. Outside, the other members are joking. But then Kai spot Sehun, who was just out from Luhan's room. "Sehun-ah, what happen?" He ask, the others member look at where Kai was asking. Sehun is crying badly. He walk towards the members. "What's that?" Suho ask, he notice the paper that Sehun hold. Without answering, Sehun hand the paper to Suho and went to his room. The other members gather around Suho to read the paper. Shock, they didn't say anything, but then, Xiumin start to cry, Lay follow, then all of them. Its's from Luhan.

"Dear brothers, we've been together for very long time, we've been together through tears and laughs, you guys are the most important person for me in this world, but now, it's my time to go. This is a very hard decision, I cried many times everytime I remembered this (yes,you can call me not manly,haha), however, I have to do this, I realized when I got sick few months ago. I thought I'am able to push through our activities, but my body says the other. My body is fragile, I realized that this is it, I can't continue much further, because I'll only bother you with my absences and else. I didn't want this, I wanted to stay with you guys for another years.

To Xiumin: You've always been a good friend. Since me and Kris have leaved, you're the oldest in the group and don't put on a strict diet! Eat well!.

To Suho: You're the best leader ever, you took a good care of our members, please take care of them, especially Sehun, he'll be the most hurt member because of my leaving.

To Lay: You're such an angel, but you're too forgetful! I put a small sticky-notes on your table, try write some important things there so you wouldn't forget it.

To Baekhyun: Ahh... I don't know what to say, you're so annoyingly funny, you always bring smile to us, so please keep being a moodmaker, cheer up the others when they're sad.

To Chen: Don't put on pranks to the other members too often! But you'll always be my favourite singer who have a dinousour looks.

To Chanyeol: You too along with Baekhyun, happy virus, don't ever lose your spirit!. Help D.O with the cooking things. I can trust you right?

To Dyo: Dyoo-ahhh.. You're so cute and also evil at the same time, remember when you left me at the haunted house, I was going to faint! I heard fans called you satansoo, haha, but you cook well and you're like a mom.

To Tao: Panda, you look more handsome nowadays, but you're too scaredy cat. Try to shower alone, if you're scared, sing out loud, it'll distract you from your fear.

To Kai: You are too matured. Rest well Kai-ya. Think about your waist, and eat your medicines. Dont diet anymore, you're too thin now.

At last, to Sehunnie: I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, you're my favorite dongsaeng of all time, don't feel lonely after I left, the hyungs will take a good care of you. Sehunnie, we will meet again someday, I'll always look after you, but just not in EXO. Sehunnie, eat well, stay healthy and happy young man, I love you brother. I wished that you were my real brother, but since we met, I've consider you as my own brother, don't ever forget that!

To all of you, stay healthy and happy, I'll pray for each of you everynight, I'll always support you, I may not be a member anymore, but I'll be your fan! I'll watch your new MVs, buy your albums and maybe go to your concerts. Don't ever forget me, I'll remember all of you forever, I didn't say goodbye earlier because I don't want our last memory to be a sad memory of me leaving, remember me as our good memories, we'll meet again someday, I'm sorry if I ever done anything wrong to any of you, I love you guys more than anything,
EXO + Luhan saranghaja!"

From, your foolish hyung, Luhan

Thank You, Goodbye - Luhan.Where stories live. Discover now