My First Day... again

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"Hurry up Lexie, you'll be late for school!" My Mum walks in as I cover my ears with the sheets and groan.

"Yeah yeah soon" I mumble into my pillow.

"Me and you father have to go into work early so you can drive yourself today okay?" Mum says skipping out of my room not bothering to wait for a reply.

5 minutes later I manage to pull myself out of bed and have a quick hot shower. After that I go to my closet and pick out a simple black crop top showing my belly button piercing and some black ripped jeans. I let my light brown hair down and parted it more to the left. I ran my brush through it a few times then applied a little makeup, foundation, powder, mascara and a wee wing in my eyeliner. I grabbed my puma bag and headed down stairs. I scavenged the fridge for a late breakfast and grabbed a Up and Go and a apple. I finished both and put my black and white nikes on my feet and strolled out the door, snatching my phone and keys before I left. I pressed the button on my keys and my convertible black camaro flashed from over the road. Now, I know what you're thinking, no my family is not rich. This car is my baby and it was given to me as a present by my hella rich grandma. I put the keys in the ignition and it roared to life. I put my seat belt on and sped down the street.

I turned into the massive school gates and slowly drove into the car park. I had the roof down so everyone knew it was the new chick. Multiple stares and wolf whistles were gifted my way as everyone checked out my car. I finally found a free parking space and pulled the keys out and tossed them into my bag. I slung my bag over one shoulder and proceeded to lock my car and walk to the main office. I was tapping away on my phone while walking into the office when all of a sudden I hit something, or more like someone, and stumbled back loosing my footing and dropping my phone in the process. I regained control over my body and ran to my phone to check if it was alright. Thank goodness it was fine otherwise I would've killed that son of a bitch. I finally looked up to see a tall, muscular guy standing in front of me laughing his ass off.

"What the hell do you think is so funny?" I yelled at his, not caring that all the office staff were staring at me.

"You... you fell... you fell flat... flat on your ass!" He said between giggles.

"How bout I shove your face so hard up your ass and you can see what's so funny then" I snarled at him as he stopped pissing his pants.

"Feisty, I like it" He smirked running his fingers up my arm.

"Get your hands off me before I punch your face in asshole" I shouted and he quickly skidded back to where he was standing before. I continued what I was doing before I fell over and strolled over to the front desk. I tapped my fingers on the counter waiting impatiently as the staff members fighted about who has to serve me, obviously scared of my little outburst.

"Hurry up for goodness sake I don't bite.... that hard" I said the last bit at a whisper otherwise I wouldn't get served at all. A small older lady slowly made her way over to me.

"H-hi how c-can I he-help y-you?" She said looking quite scared.

"I'm new here can you give me my timetable" I said in a tone that meant I did not give a shit.

"Na-name?" She asked while typing on the key board that was layed out in front of her.

"Lexie Parker" I said and she handed me a white piece of paper. I didn't bother to say thank you because she scurried away so fast I thought she was going to fall flat on her face. I walked back out and saw the guy who knocked me over standing alone just outside the office entrance. I tried to walk past him without him noticing me but unfortuantly he swung his head around to face me. He just stared at me.

"Earth to what ever your name is" I waved my hand in front of his face.

"Huh what" He said quickly straightening his position.

"Ugh" I said and started walking again.

"Wait" He yelled and grabbed my arm.

"Let. Go. Of. Me" I said harshly. He quickly did.

"Oh sorry" Is all he said.

"So if that's all I'll be going now" I said and just looked at him.

"Um can I just ask you something?" He says quietly. I tilt my head sideways.

"Hey bro- ooh who's the new chick? You look hot in those jeans" This group of guys ran up to whatever his name is and this guy with dirty blonde hair was smirking at me.

"First of all, if you want your balls chopped off and fed to you then keep going the way you're going and second we were in a conversation before you all showed up so piss off and let us continue what we were doing" I hissed at him and the group and they yelled 'burn' and all shuffled off.

"Ha! No ones ever spoken to him like that! Um anyways I was going to ask you what's you name?" He asked me before whipeing the tears that dribbled down his face from laughing so hard.

"Lexie Parker, you?" I replied sweetly.

"Ethan Dolan. Nice name by the way" He smirked as I turned on my heel and walked away.


This is not a dolan twins or ethan dolan fanfic I just thought he could be used in this story :) Thanks for reading I know its a bit short but o well

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