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At midnight, exactly, a piercing scream filled the night. I remember it all too clearly. It was the first scream of many to come.

At first no one thought anything of it. After all, it was a Saturday night. It could have been some teenagers out having fun.

Nonetheless, I'd climbed out of bed in search of the cause. My father, had he known what I was doing, would have scolded me for my curiosity. Saying how it is dangerous to keep digging around for things that shouldn't be messed with. But, I couldn't have very well ignored the sound. I guess my curiosity got the better of me. I had to investigate.

As quietly as possible, I slipped out of bed and tiptoed into the hallway. Halfway to the stairs I ran into my sister. As soon as she saw me she threw her hand over my mouth to keep me quiet. It took everything I had not to struggle against her, knowing it would be no good.

"Did you hear it?" She whispered while removing her hand from my mouth.

I nodded, fully aware of the fact that she was talking about the scream.

I stuck close to my sister, Anna, as we descended the dark stairs. Though she's only a few years older than me, she always made me feel safe.

Once we were down, we headed toward our parents room. The door was slightly ajar. Peeking through the crack, I saw my father's figure standing by the window. He was talking with my mother, whom was sitting up on the bed.

Whatever it was that was happening, my parents didn't like it. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife, and that, more than anything, scared me. My parents were never the type of people to show fear. They were the level headed, calm ones.

Before my sister and I could do anything, another piercing scream filled the night, followed by a chorus of cries. My father rushed out the door, nearly tackling me and Anna. He merely glanced down at us before continuing down the hallway.

Mother followed close behind. When she spotted us by the door she enveloped us in a hug, relief washing over her face. Anna and I, both too baffled to say anything, held on to our mother as if our lives depended on it.

A few moments later, father came back, his face drained of all color. He looked at mother, " You should come and see this."

Mother nodded and stood up, "Girls, stay put." She gave us one last fleeting glance before she followed father.

Panic rose within me at hearing the screams that seemed to bounce off of every corner of the room. Images rushed through my mind at what mother and father is seeing. I reached out and grabbed Anna's hand. She gave mine a little squeeze.

Mother came rushing back, pushing us toward the stairs, horror etched on her face. "Go upstairs now! Lock yourselves in the bedroom and don't come out until we say so. Put stuff in front of the door and don't let anyone in! Okay?"

"Why mother?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Just go Rose. Anna, please keep your sister safe. I love you both."

Through all the fear, determination filled Anna's eyes. She nodded at my mother before grabbing my hand and dragging me up the stairs.

We went into Anna's room because it was closer. As soon as the door shut Anna locked it and began pushing stuff in front of it.

"Come help me Rose!"

I ran over and started pushing on the nightstand she was moving in front of the door. It was heavy enough and would barely budge. With our combined force, we finally got it to move.

While Anna finished putting stuff in front of the door, I walked over to the wall by the window and sat down. I drew my knees to my chest, where I sat and listened.

The sounds were terrible. There were screans filled with pain and fear. Through it all, I could hear the sound of desperate pleading, right before what sounded like bones snapping. I wanted so badly to see what was going on outside that window.

Climbing onto my knees, I lifted myself so that I could peek through the curtain. The sight that met me was horrifying.

Bodies were strew all over the ground. A ground that was seeping with blood. The trees swayed in the wind, sending a chilling effect. Fires were burning through the roofs of homes. The street that had once held all my happy childhood memories was now plagued with death. Worst of all was who was doing the damage. Creatures that stood powerfully and confident. Skin very pale. Fangs peeking out from their mouths. And eyes a devilishly red glow.

Red eyes connected with mine for only a brief moment. Within that second I dropped the curtain and turned back around, terrified that those eyes would seek me.

Suddenly, I was thrown to the ground by a force. The sound of glass shattering filled my ears. A shadow slid across my face, looming with darkness. A dark chuckle seized the room, sending fear through me.. Instantly, I moved over by my sister.

The creature strode over to me, bending down so that his face was level with mine. My breath caught. He had the face of a human with the eyes of a demon. His hand reached out and grabbed my face with an icy grip.

Without thinking, my hand shot out and smacked his away. He looked shocked at the movement. Suddenly, he let out an ear throbbing growl. His hand came down, connecting with my face. A scream escaped my lips.

Before he could do anything else to me, Anna stepped in front of me, "Leave her alone!"

He smiled wickedly and sent Anna flying across the room. Her head made impact with the nightstand, sending a loud crack through the room. Her body lay limp on the floor in a puddle of her own blood.

"Anna!" I screamed, tears running down my face.

The creature picked up Anna's limp body and jumped out the window without a moment's hesitation.

The last scream I heard that night was the one ripped from my throat as I stood staring out the window, crying Anna's name.

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