Chapter 24

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Mr Gupta office

Manik : Uncle what is there in the 'WILL', This 'will' can clear our doubts I guess, because you only said that harshad is marrying Nandini because of her father's will.

Mr Gupta : Beta the 'will' is confidential but still I'll tell you some important points which are these evils using...

Before Mr Gupta could say anything suddenly they heard loud sound of something breaking and they turned towards the way from where the sound came and saw that something oval round small thing had came inside the office breaking the glass of window of Mr Gupta's Office.
Mr Gupta's Office was small two storey building , his cabin in which they all were sitting was on 1 st floor and on the extreme left side of the building so somebody from the ground floor threw that thing inside the cabin and before anyone of the Fab 5 Abhimanyu and Mr Gupta could understand what is the thing, that thing started releasing smoke and everyone in the room started coughing as smoke entered their nostrils.

Mr Gupta exclaimed : Oh my god kids this is SMOKE BOMB. Run from this room.

All started coughing and rubbing their eyes as it was also itching in their eyes.

They all attempted to open the only exit door but crap it was locked from out side.

Mukti was coughing badly and was feeling dizzy as she had respiratory problems.

Manik saw Mukti swaying due to giddiness and was about to hold her ignoring his own discomfort but before him Abhimanyu held her and hugged her and started rubbing her back while himself coughing badly.

Manik ,Cabir and Druv were trying hard to open the lock while Abhi handed Mukti to Alya and started searching for another glass windows which he can break and they can get fresh air at least till they find a way to go out.
But all went in vain as the room had only one small window from which the smoke bomb entered.

Cabir ( while Choking ) Manik do something or else we'll die.

Alya Druv and Mr Gupta 's condition was also not good

Finally finding no other option our hero Manik composed himself and ( prayed to Daya for giving him strength 😂😝) kicked the door with his full strength and the door broke down and all almost ran out to inhale fresh air except Mukti and Abhi. Manik took few seconds to calm himself and turned to go inside to get Mukti but saw that Abhimanyu was coming out with Mukti in his arms

Manik rushed and took Mukti from Abhi and hugged her tight he asked her whether she was fine or not to which she smiled faintly and nodded in yes the smoke started coming in the passage as well where they all were standing so Manik picked Mukti in his arms and asked all run Outside

All came out of the building, nearby people had gathered near the building Fab5, Abhi and Mr Gupta somehow went near their cars. All were panting heavily

Cabir ( still panting ): Guys this was epic I mean from the day we have came in Mumbai every day is coming up with new adventures.

Alya : True said Cabir but on a serious note What do you think guys who must have done this ?

Mr Gupta : I'm sorry I think some of my rival did this. Please forgive me because of me you all had to suffer so much.

Manik who was making Mukti drink water which he got from his car paused his work and said : it's ok Uncle don't stress yourself.

Mr Gupta : kids please you all go home I'll handle everything here.

Cabir : Uncle please handle media try not let the news leak that Fab 5 was here, you know na

Mr Gupta : yes yes kids don't worry I'll handle everything. But you all must hurry now.

Fab 5 nodded in yes and left for home

Murthy Mansion

Navya was trying to make Nandini sleep who was lying on her bed with her head on Navya's lap and Navya was caressing her hair to make her sleep just then they heard a loud cry they both looked at each other as if asking each other through eyes whether she heard the same sound or not and to give the answer to their unspoken question another cry reached their ears piercing through silent atmosphere of  Mansion they both got up and then they heard third cry and forth and then fifth they both ran downstairs to see the sourse of sound they hurriedly reached to living room and the scene they saw made both of them numb for a second.

But next second Navya started laughing her guts out and Nandini stood their with shocked expressions.

Just then Fab5 and Abhi entered the Mansion totally worn out after facing an adventurous incident and witnessed the same sight and soon all of them joined Navya in her laughing task.


Precap : Laughter continues

Till then take care😘

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