Chapter 4 : White Houses

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Reality: The dream was probably based on Alice in Wonderland but idk for sure. Usually dreams that happen that at night are usually things that happen during the day time, or at least something related to it....

I was just sitting on the front porch waiting for my mom to come back from work. A few minutes after my grandpa came from bingo, so I went to open the gates for him to enter. From the corner of my eye a man had a huge hose and was spraying all the houses and lawns white with some sort of substance. I told my grandpa to get inside and to be careful, then I closed the gates and ran to the backyard to see if there was any damage. There was no damage but a person appeared from behind the tree located on the left side of my backyard.... It was a old friend of mine, Andrew. He was so angry at me for some reason... He said "It's your fault I'm dead now I'm gonna kill you" , he pulled out a knife but I ducked and cut a huge length of my arm...

To this day I don't really know where he's at honesty, I hope he's not dead. I still wonder why he was mad at me in the dream and also why the guy was spraying all the houses white...

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