getting back together

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A/n This picture has nothing to do with the story but I love that picture and had to show it

My pov

I was sat at my kitchen table with my laptop open scrolling through Tumblr when I heard a knock on my door. I closed my laptop and lightly jogged over to my door I opened it and there she stood . From her lime green ribbon in her hair all the way down to her standing on her tip toes. Tyra stood in my door way with a white smile stretched across her face . "I missed you "I said squeezing the living daylights out of my best friend. Tyra had been gone for 4 years of travelling the world and I saw her just pop up in my door way one day and you thought I was not going to practically smother her with hugs. "Let go can't breathe" she said as I let go of her . I opened my door to offer her to come in and my English Bulldog Mia came runing at Tyra but then realized that it wasn't the mail man and walked back into the house and pretended that Tyra wasn't there .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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