Describing my Best Friend.

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  • Dedicated to ALiya Dagedeban Sangki

My best friend is the "WHOLE NINE YARDS" thingy.. (smiles) Yes! I can say that because she pocess almost everything. She's beautiful (inside and out ). She's genuinely generous and kind. She's sufficient in almost everything. She's funny. She's polite but a bit naughty sometimes. *giggles

She has some hidden talents too..She can sing (hilarious), she can dance (much hilarious) and well, she knows how to love a friend. She adores pretty things, such as clothes,accessories,shoes, short, she loves FASHION! Yup, she's definitely a fashionista. 

My best friend is pretty much the best "Best Friend" you could possibly have. She knows how to be fair. She's always around when you need her. And she will love you like crazy.

I still do remember growing up with her and our common friends. I used to laugh a lot when she's around. She always asks what's going on in everyone's lives.. 

Back in a day, she used to be a hard headed person, a naughty-girl as I used to describe her but then, time passed, she's a grown woman now, an indipendent one.. a strong, powerful woman who is sufficient to rule a community. 

Having her in my life is a blessed sent from God. She taught me how to be happy even when I have lots of problems. But taught me as well to face the problems when I'm ready. 

So basically, what I'm saying here, is that my best friend is the AWESOME-iest BEST FRIEND ever! 

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