Two Half's Make a Whole chapter 3

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POV Kiara

I awake to a throbbing head ache and a sore body. It feels as if I was literally run over by an SUV. What the hell happened to me? I remember the ritual, then the bazaar wind and excruciating pain, then darkness…

Slowly I start to get feeling in my limbs and notice that my hand is painfully gripping something cold and soft. Prying my eyelids open I crane my head to the side and see my face across from me.

I blink in recognition. It was Lucinda. And she wasn’t looking to hot at the moment. She was deathly pale, more than usual, and her face was frozen in an agonizing facial expression.

I bring my hand up to lightly stroke her cheek, hoping she would sense that I was here. I felt her huff at the feel of my fingertips, yup she was alive. I sigh with relief.

I look over her, at our surroundings. We’re in the recovery center in the lower part of the castle. I know this because Lucinda has spent some of her childhood getting hurt from playing roughly with the servant’s sons and had to get bandaged up here.   

This room was depressing with its dirty dark shades of grey and the smell of death in the air. I scrunch up my nose, growdy.

There’s a rattle at the door, before Ash stumbles in. Oh he looks exhausted to the bone with bags under his beautiful green eyes, messy cloths, and despair permanently etched into his face. Within a blink of my eyes he is by my side pulling me up into a hug. It’s kind of an awkward hug since my hand refuses to release my sister’s hand. I won’t be reassured that she’s okay until she opens her eyes.

I return my attention to Ash. Not knowing what else to do to get Ash to drop the sorrow look on his face I kiss the tip of his nose. He blinks slowly before he laughs.

I melt into his arms, that’s the rich sound I love to hear. Forgetting for awhile about all the questions that are shouting in the inside of my mind I kiss him. Savoring the feel of his lips I notice mines are a little cracked and dry. I flush, pulling away slightly. How long was I out?

“Sorry,” I mumble. He shakes his head at me.

He leans into me and kisses me passionately like he’s in desperate need of air. “I’m just glad you’re finally up.”

“How long was I out?”

“Too long,” he whispers for only me to hear.

“Ashhh,” I whine. I needed details. I needed to know what happened to me and why.

“For 4 days,” he finally says. “I wish I could tell you why it all happened but I don’t even know. Your dad was secretive after you guys went down so everyone is demanding answers from him. He said he wouldn’t give any until his daughters were up.”

I don’t know what to think or say so I just nod slowly. What went wrong?

“Do you feel any different.” He regards me slowly, his eyes soaking in all my features.

“Just sore.” I raise a questioning eyebrow. “How different should I feel?”

“More like a full fledge vampyre. Are you thirsty?”

“For water.” I lick my dry lips.

“Hmm. How about tiredness? The sun is at its highest right now and even I have to admit I’m quite tired.”

I shake my head vigorously. “I think I’ve slept enough.”

He smirks at me, his face softening. “I agree. I’ve missed you Kiara.”

“I’ve missed you too.” I snuggle closer to his warmth. I shiver slightly, just noticing how cold I was. 

He tucks a stray strand of my hair behind my ear. “I was so scared when you went down at the ritual. I think even Drake understood what I was felling when he ran to Lucinda.”

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