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Now you must be wondering that I'm jealous of this friend of mine? No, not at all. Actually its completely the opposite. I Aria have never felt jealous of that snobbish git. Now you must think what a spoilt brat, wanting all the spot light for herself. WRONG.

Look, ive tried to be nice to her, sarcastic towards her, stick by her and everything but what does she do...nothing. I give her expensive gifts, she returns the favour with shirts on 'sale' And not like she isn't rich, nope...she is by far more richer than me.

On Facebook, I post pictures of her and me both, tag her in almost everything but what does she do? Never in a million years would she 'degrade' herself by doing something as simple as tagging me or  posting my pic along with her.

I've been her best friend for 3 bloody years, gone through the thick and thin with her. But she rarely even acknowledges what I am to her and that she wouldn't be where she is without me. No she thanks other people...never me.

I bloody listen to her prattle on and on for hours. But in the end she is always like "You never listen to me"

I hate this fact.

When I talk to my friends she says "You want to join their group? Go ahead" and gets angry if I ignore her. If I do the same when she talks to her friends she is like "What the fuck is your problem"

If I say shut-up to her she gets annoyed. But if she calls me a bitch, I'm supposed to be ok.

She could never get a boyfriend. She's too desperate for attention. I'm supposed to give her advice whether she should say yes or no to them.

She wants to get drunk and lose het 'THAT' before she is legal even if that isn't allowed in her religion. And I'm still stuck by her...urgh.

I'm on my way on 'supposedly' getting a boyfriend, though I'm not but I tell her so to shut her up. Now she goes on and on about it. And tells it to everyone she comes across. Even if it isn't true. I'm not even supposed to acknowledge hers. I do anyways.

Her boyfriend is her UNCLE!!! Isn't that incest? Yup it is and she knows it. But as her uncle is her age she thinks its alright. Ew. And he isn't even cute.

Lets call my supposed boyfriend Caleb. He is real. He knows I exist. We have talked a few times on internet. I know what he looks like, he doesn't. I know where he lives and what's his name...he doesn't. Aw sucks, friend, I lied. You fell for the lie. Too bad for you, awesome for me.

Figure it out.

When I finally sometime tell you I lied, you say, you knew all along. Poor baby....you didn't. Wanna live up to my expectation?? You never will. And you thought me naïve.


What do you think? ;)

It all started with a lie (based on a true story)Where stories live. Discover now