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Katie's POV

I stared at Kara, her blonde hair, blue eyes and perfect skin. Perks of being a kryptonitan, never get pimples. She too just stared at me, I noticed the same thoughts going through her head, taking me in. Her stern face she had the beginning, changed to compassion. "So you are from the house of El to?" she said, I smiled at her question, "yes I am"-"But how?"-"Astra is my mother", I watched her face fall, and her shoulder drop, she looked at Hank, and then mumbled about having to go and do something, leaving me and Hank alone once again. "Did I say something wrong?" I asked him, he didn't respond to me either. "Do you know my mother?"...again no response..."ANSWER ME" I screamed at him, causing him to look at me.

Hank's POV

"ANSWER ME" the anger was masking the hurt she felt, the confusion, I had to keep reminding myself that she was only 17. I could see the pain in her eyes, but it wasn't the pain of death, I could tell she didn't know that part. She has just lost her, "tell me, what are you doing here?" I asked, "I am looking for my mother, she used to go away a lot, but would come back in a couple of weeks. However a few months ago she left, and she never came back. I am trying to find her" she said, the pain in her voice, "do you know her?" She asked again, looking straight into my eyes, "yes I do" I whispered, not being able to say the word any louder then that. "Do you know where she is?" She said quickly, excitement rising through her, "I am sorry, but I don't know" I said, before leaving the room. I bumped into Alex and Kara who were standing around the corner, I could tell they heard everything. Alex looked broken, she hated herself for killing Astra, and now she realises she took a mum away from a child.

Kara's POV

I felt sorry for Katie, I walked into the interview room. I watched her head rise slowly, the excitement from earlier was completely gone, just pain. "I am never going to find her" she said quietly, "I don't know, I am sorry, I just don't know" I said, pulling her close. I felt close to her, protective, like a sister, even though I barely knew her. Blood bonds us all, I guess. "Hey, do you have anywhere to stay? I mean you are from Star City, only 17, so can't rent anywhere" I asked her, she laughed, and look embarrassed "I am staying in my car, your right, not many people want to sell out houses to a 17 year old, who they all think has just run away from home." I laughed, "you are welcome to stay with me, I have a studio apartment, it isn't very big, but you can sleep on the sofa, and come to work with me. I may even be able to teach you how to deal with Cat Grant". "Thank you Kara, really" she said pulling me into a hug.

Katie's POV

Me and Kara got home about 6 in the evening, and we just ordered Chinese, Alex joined, and we all sat around and just had a laugh, whilst watching to terrible romantic comedy. Alex had to leave and go home later that evening. And then me and Kara got ready for bed, and wished one another good night, before going to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to ice cold water being dumped on my face, "first things first, you need to be up by now" Kara said, and dragged me out of bed and into the bath room. She left to go make us breakfast, whilst I got showered and dressed. After breakfast, me and Kara headed off to work, stopping briefly to grab Cats morning coffee. We arrived at work with 15 minutes before Cats usual arrival. Kara smiled and winked at me once again before heading off to her office, I sat down at the desk and opened my laptop.
*One new message*
"Hey Katie, Kara told me about you, welcome to the family. Clark Kent"
Kara told me yesterday about Kal-El being known as Clark here, I smiled at his message, before replying a smiley face emoticon.

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