Chapter 5 - Questioning my whole life all over again

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Kray’s POV

I rolled my eyes over after I heard Laura squeal outside.

At least you know you still have your adorable charm, I thought.

I mean I don’t know… it’s like a skill. At least something I got from my mother. When I was foolish enough to follow her, my charm was a double advantage for me since I’m already famous for being special. That way, it was easier for me to attract rich girls to marry, so I will be richer. And that was when I was about three years old… my parents were obsessed of my future. And by obsessed, I mean freakishly unhealthily obsessed. My whole life was already planned ahead. Where I’m going to elementary, where I’m going to high school, where I’m going to college, who I’m going to marry, a specific set of friends I should grow up with, gods… even who my teachers are supposed to be! The only thing they haven’t planned through is how I’m going to die, where my funeral will take place, which cemetery I will be buried, and where in the cemetery I will be buried. Proposal date, when I’m going to be married, where I’ll live, how many children I should have, where I should enrol them, it’s all planned out.

I lie on my bed with all my limbs stretched out and closed my eyes.

Laura’s POV

Did he hear me? I think he heard me…

I walked briskly to the cafeteria while looking around the empty halls. Everybody must’ve been inside already. I stopped and looked around again and realized that I’ve been here for so long I could make a bet with mister mysterious that I could walk around here with a blindfold without bumping into something and win. I chuckled and continued walking. How long have I been here? A couple of years for sure… our parents abandoned us here because they think were monsters and we weren’t their children.

I sighed to myself and opened the door of the cafeteria.

It was a big room… a very big room, actually. It has more than a hundred tables that are neatly distributed across the room, and one wall is separating another room, which is the kitchen. And separating the servers from the consumers is a line of several glass containers filled with food that they cooked. You just have to choose which viand you want.

I went near the containers and wondered if I’m going to try new viands.

“Hi Laura! Your usual food again?” Lena, a cafeteria lady, asked

“Hi Lena! I’m thinking that I’ll change viand tonight… whatever… usual again, please.” I said

She chuckled and handed me bowl of vegetable salad.

“Thanks.” I said

“Hm…” She said and looked suspiciously at me.

“What?” I asked

“So, how’d it go with the new guy?” She asked

“How’d you know about him?” I asked

“Maybe because you have a brother that came in earlier than you for the very first time? You know I get used to seeing you first before him. Must’ve been a nice long chat, huh?” She asked and smirked at me

“He’s six.” I told her

“Yeah he is… you know, it wouldn’t kill you to have a new guy friend… no, seriously, how was your conversation?” She asked again

“I…don’t know. Maybe you can ask him yourself. He kinda acts like the world should revolve around him.” I answered

“Tip, young lady, don’t be ‘the world’ that’s revolving around him.” She said and left.

A story of Friends, Abnormality, Nerds, Tweens, Abduction, Sarcasm and YearningWhere stories live. Discover now