pretty eyes

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It was Saturday and the boys were all in the living room watching a studio Ghibli film. These were Tae's favorite animated movies. His favorite movie was Kiki's Delivery Service which they were currently watching. Taheyung had a plush toy of the Kiki's black cat in his hands as he was watching the movie. Jimin thought how cute it was how Tae really loved this movie. Jungkook loved the movie too but not as much as Tae.

Jimin wasn't even watching the movie, he was too distracted by the way Taehyung's eyes would light up when something interesting happened in the movie. Tae was sitting cross legged on the couch with his mouth agape and eyes sparkling with amusement. His plush cat was tight against his chest as he held it.

"Jimin watch the movie or you'll miss out." Jungkook whispered to Jimin noticing how much he was staring at Tae. Jimin's mouth was slightly open and his eyes were directly focused on Tae. Jungkook grabbed a piece of popcorn and threw it at Jimin to grab his attention.

Jimin jumped as the popcorn hit his eye and looked at Jungkook confused. He scrunched his eyes and mouthed a 'what' to Jungkook.

"Stop staring so long. It's creepy." Jungkook whispered and made a face to Jimin which made Jimin chuckle. Jungkook turned back to the movie and was entranced once again.

Jimin glanced one more time at Tae and put his attention on the screen or at least tried.


"Hey do you guys wanna go to a party with me? It's one of my friends." After the movie Tae was pretty bored and was searching for party's to go to when he got a text from his friend inviting him to a party. Perfect timing he thought.

Jungkook and Jimin were just playing Jenga and listening to music in the living room.

"I'm gonna pass. I have blood work tomorrow and can't drink." Jungkook took out his Jenga piece and responded to Tae.

"Why don't you just not drink? Just come and dance." Tae said. He was sitting on the couch now.

"Dude, you know I won't be able to control myself around beer. I love it too much." Jungkook was staring at Jimkms every move hoping he'll drop the stack.

"What about you Jimin? Be my date for tonight?" Taehyung was happy Jungkook wouldn't tag along so he and Jimin could spend some alone time. Taehyung was staring at Jimin and couldn't help but wonder what his lips tastes like. Jimin's lips were always so plump and full.

Jimin was blushing hard now. He didn't know how to respond.
His crush just asked if he would be his date. Holy fuck thought Jimin.

"Yeah I'll go Tae." Jimin smiled at Tae and went back to playing Jenga.

Taheyung was doing a mental happy dance and smiled so big his teeth were showing.

"Okay imam go and get ready. We leave in 30 min."

Taehyung walked off to his room to get ready. Jimin looked up at Jungkook with wide eyes and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

"Control yourself Jimin. The thirst is real for you."

Jimin's eyes went wide and his mouth was left open. Does Jungkook know I like Taehyung? Jimin questioned himself. He can't know... I've never made it obvious or have I?

"Shut your mouth Jimin I know you crushing hard on Tae." Jungkook moved his piece of Jenga and looked at Jimin waiting for his turn.

"Cr-crush? What crush? I don't know what you're talking about." Jimin was pulling out a block and suddenly it collapsed once Jungkook spoke.

"Please bro. You're so obvious I bet even Tae knows."

"He does not!"

"Oh look! I win! Haha lets play after you party ok?"

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