Chapter Twelve

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Stiles is the King of bad choices. 


Stiles spends the next few months hiding his stomach, and he stays away from the public. His father writes to him a few times, but Stiles never writes him back or reads them to him. He keeps his stomach wrapped up, making him tired and sick most of the time, and he enjoys spending time with Peter even though he doesn't share a bed with him. "Why did Derek leave?" Stiles asks Peter, one day as they eat dinner on their table. Peter looks up from his bowl as he hums as he looks at him, and he looks away. Stiles doesn't think that he knows that he saw the conversation from earlier.

"He had business in town. He should be back soon." Peter lies, and Stiles sighs as he nods his head while he looks at him. "Are you feeling well? Your face is puffy." Peter tells him, changing the topic of conversation as he drinks his wine. Stiles rolls his eyes as he shrugs his shoulders casually as he looks at him, and he hums to himself.

"I'm fine." Stiles says, looking at him as he takes a bite of food when his stomach growls loudly. He doesn't want to gain excess weight to make it obvious that he's having a child. He doesn't know what he's going to do, how he's going to pass it off as Peter's if they've never had sex, and he bites his lip as he gets lost in thought.

"I'm sure that Derek will be back soon." Peter tells him, smiling at him as he watches him eat. Stiles nods his head as he looks at him, and he pushes his food away. "I'm sure that he misses you were ever he is." Peter tells him, and Stiles smiles at him a little as he stands up. "Retiring for the evening, darling?" Peter asks him, and Stiles nods his head as he looks at him.

"Yes." Stiles says, kissing his forehead as he walks by him to go to his room. He walks down the hallway, not going to his room yet since he's not that tired he just wants to be alone, and he sighs to himself as he walks outside to enjoy the sunset. He breathes in the fresh air as he walks outside, and he hums to himself as he looks around at the sunset with a quiet sigh. He doesn't know how he feels about being here, it's nice, but it doesn't feel like home. He's been for months, everyday just blending into the next, and he sits down next to a tree as he looks around. He doesn't know why Peter hasn't wanted to share a bed with him, perhaps he knows that he's pregnant and that it's not his, and a wave of fear hits him as he thinks about what's going to happen when he has the baby.

Peter will divorce him, leaving him penniless and alone, and he can't go home. He won't be welcomed anywhere, and that's what makes Stiles afraid. He doesn't know how long people usually stay pregnant, he's not that big, so he wonders if he could have Peter fuck him in enough time to pass the baby off as his. Stiles has been thinking about this for a long time, too long in fact, and he sighs under his breath as he pulls his hand away from his belly when a maid walks by. He thinks about Peter's lover, how Peter will leave sometimes and come back in a few days, and he doesn't know how he feels about that. He thinks that Peter isn't his to love, he never was, and he wonders if he loves Derek. Or if he could given the time.

Eventually, the sun goes down and Stiles must go inside. He wraps his jacket around himself, the air is getting colder, and he sees Peter in his office. "Peter." Stiles says, knocking on the door. "Has my father written you yet?" He asks him, curiously. He hopes that his mother is still well, despite what he said to her, and he smiles at him as he sits down on Peter's desk. Peter chuckles warmly as he nods his head, handing him a letter afraid he digs around in his desk for a moment, and Stiles takes it before skimming over it. "He says to hit me if I misbehave. How lovely. What a wonderful father." Stiles sighs, not bothering to read the rest of the letter.

"Don't worry. I won't hit you." Peter laughs, but there's a serious tone to his humor. Stiles hums as he folds the letter back up and returns it where it was before he stands up. "Why are you up so late? It's almost nine. Normally you're in bed by eight." Peter says, and Stiles chuckles as he nods his head.

"I'm afraid that dinner has upset my stomach. I appear to have heartburn." Stiles says, patting his chest with a sigh. "I think that I'll send for some tea or something." Stiles says, looking at Peter as he pours him a drink before handing it to him. "What are you working on?" Stiles asks him, and Peter hums as he drains the drink in one gulp before Stiles refills it.

"Just some work." Peter says, taking another deep drink as Stiles refills it again as he looks at him. "Why don't you have a drink?" Peter asks him, and Stiles smiles as he pours himself some of the hard whiskey before he refills Peter. "If I wasn't a cleverer man, I would think that you're getting me drunk for a reason." Peter tells him, his works slurring some as Stiles smiles at him.

"Why would I do that?" Stiles tells him, smiling at him as he watches him drink his fourth drink. He pauses for a moment, not wanting to drink him to death, and he looks at him with a fond smile as he remains quiet as Peter works. It's only when Peter's hands start to shake some as Stiles watches him before he slides into his lap, and he moves the drink out of the way. Peter turns his head towards him, giving him a lazily smile, and Stiles smiles at him as he kisses him. Peter tastes like whiskey, and Stiles smiles as he kisses him back. "Take me to bed, Peter." Stiles tells him, and Peter nods his head as he stands up and staggers towards his bedroom.

Stiles follows closely after him, making sure he doesn't fall, and he smiles when Peter undresses himself on the bed. "I'm a little drunk." Peter laughs, and Stiles chuckles as he reaches down to touch him as he looks at him. "That's nice." Peter says, when Stiles' wraps his hand around his cock before he passes out on the bed.

Stiles hums as he finishes undressing him before he undresses himself, and he slides into the bed next to him. Peter snores as he wraps his arm around him, and Stiles feels a sick feeling in his stomach. 

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