Chapter 1

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One day was all it was. One day and then the next, and then the next, and then the next. One day of hell, two day's of hell, three day's of hell, she was a girl stuck in her mind. Her mind was better than being trapped with the soul-less people at her high school, the smell of disappointment clouded her nose and the sight of bodies against each other in the suffocating hallways made her eyes sting. Another day of hell was no worse then the previous, she was use to this endless cycle. There was not much else she could do but keep her head down, but she was still noticed. The looks from the cake faced barbies burnt holes into her pale skin, and the looks from the boys made her heart slow as she knew no one dared mess with her.

There were advantages to being the schools second outcast, you were left alone and the comments were kept to a minimum. Melanie did not look like the type to get into fights, but oh trust me you don't want to be on her bad side. She may be small, but everyone knows that if you fight her you're leaving in an ambulance.

The first year she had started high school, the boys made comments she didn't like. Her temper was and still is her main problem, he got to close you see and she snapped. His nose also snapped and he was out cold, no charges were pressed but her record was added too, it wasn't a big surprise for her. Her record mostly consisted of assaults, break in's and drug possession but no one knew what was swirling in her head to make her do all those things.

Walking one foot in front of the other down the hallways, away from the crowds, away from the monsters that looked her up and down, away from everything she didn't want in her life. Her eye's narrowed on her locker, she walked with a purpose and with her hips swaying. Not for attention, but so people thought she had an ounce of confidence in her body, when she was really a bag of broken bones and chattering teeth. Opening her locker with a shaking hand that was hidden behind her long black jumper sleeves, she peered at the contents of her some what empty locker. Throwing her bag inside and shutting it quickly, as if she wanted no one to see.

There was nothing much left of her, but she still had two blackened lungs and heart that beat to the rhythm of every song her mother sang to her when she was little. There was an empty shell of a girl that stood before everyone hoping to be loved one day, but maybe love was an emotion she had lost the ability to feel a long time ago.

The thought of glass ghosted in her mind, it wasn't a very important thought but it was still there. Haunting her. And again, one foot in front of the other she made her way to class. English was her first class of the day, she just kept to herself. Like always I suppose. Entering the classroom was the hardest part of all, the eyes that looked her way the same way they did as she walked down the hallways. Like they did when she did anything.

"Miss. Martinez you're late for my class, again." The monotone voice that came from Mr.Todd informed her, it wasn't like she cared so she just nodded without making eye contact and just made her way to the back of the class to her usual seat.

"Okay class." Mr.Todd sighed, "as it is the last semester before summer break we are going to do a pairs project. I will assign everyone in this room a partner they will be working with for the rest of the weeks remaining, you will do your project on each other. Get to know one another, what the other likes and dislikes, what the other's hobbies are. And also you will be spending a weekend at the other person house, to get a feel of the other persons life, and living habits."

Melanie was not impressed, she didn't work well with others. And she certainly did not want some one else snooping around her home.

"So the groups are as follows." Joy she thought.

"Emily and Carly, Tyler and Edward, Josh and Anna, Tilly and Kai.." The names were coming out of his mouth, but she had stopped listening. Well that was until her name was mentioned.

"Melanie and.." Her face screwed up before he had even said her partners name, the word partner was foreign to her mind. She hated this worry that had taken over her body.

"Melanie and Francisco. Thank you class, pair up and get talking."

Her heart stopped, her breathing got heavy and her eyes widened as did every one else's. Francisco stood up, a sight for sore eyes. He wore leather and had messy hair, the bad boy type that every craved the attention of. He sat next to her and she looked down at her boots, not wanting to look into his eyes and have him know even she was nervous in his presence.

"Hi I'm-" She cut him off.

"I know who you are. I'm-" This time he cut her off.

"I know who you are." He said in his rough manly voice that every girl at this god forsaken school loved, but she didn't know how to love anything other than cigarettes and alcohol.

"I don't do friends, I don't do talking, I don't do people. I have sex, I smoke and I drink. There is nothing else to know." She blurted out, because all she wanted was to keep him at arms length at all costs.

"Okay, but lets get one thing straight. We have to do this project so you will be seeing a lot more of me, I know I am hardly ever at this fucking school but you interest me."

she interested him? She thought, why was that? And why the hell did she give a shit?


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