BigBlackCrayon asked: What makes you mad? Like really, really mad?
In truth, several things make me mad. But there is one thing, well it's actually a person, that by far tops the others. And that would be my 3-year-younger brother. Why you might ask? I have about 17 valid reasons.
1. He has SERIOUS anger issues.
2. He's semi lazy, meaning he never really picks up his trash.
3. He doesn't give 2 donkey's asses about anything that doesn't involve him directly.I can go on and on but I'll spare you the details of that, so I'll just sum it up and say that he's a m*****f*****.
Words and emotions cannot describe the amount of pure and literal fury I hold for him, but I will attempt it.
I hate my younger brother with the fury of a million suns and 10k black holes. I think that captured the way I feel.
But other things that get me mad is when people do stupid things for stupid reasons or to get stupid items and/or information.
This is UpstartBuckle09 signing off. Have a good day!
Behind the Mask
HumorThis is just a story where you, the readers, ask me questions and I answer them. Come one, come all, for the reveal of my weird and wacky mind!