story of me

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Narutowalks into the park and sees the genien 12 "hey guys". Sasuke waves "hey dobe".Naruto walks over crossing his arms "I'm not a dobe, hey do you guys want toplay hide and go seek" .Sasuke shrugs" why not ".sakura now notices that Narutois their "hey Naruto when did you get here" .Naruto looks at the ground sad "Ijust got here do you want to play hide and go seek .sakura looks at Sasuke"only if Sasuke plays to". Naruto smiles and looks happy "yep oh hey guys" helooks at the 12 "do you want to play to". Ino "sure why not ". Shikamaru endsup counting "1"... "Sasuke this way "2" Ino's dad walks into the park "InoShikamaru choji time for dinner". Choji comes running out" finally I'mstarving" .Ino Shikamaru and choji go with Ino's dad .Neji comes in the park"lady Hinata your father has requested your presence". Hinata pops her headaround the corner "coming by guys "she leaves with Neji. Akumaru startsbarking. Kiba covers his muzzle" shhh their going to find me". Akumaru bitesKiba's jacket and drags him away. Itachi appears behind Sasuke "do you want togo practice before dinner". Sasuke turns around and tries to attack Itachi.Itachi dodges "to slow little brother "he turns around and starts runningtowards the Uchiha mansion .Ino runs into the park "sakura my dad said you canspend the night if you want". Sakura comes running "of course I do" they leave.Naruto is sitting in a tall tree not knowing that all his friends have leftand no one is in the park anymore, he starts looking around to see if Shikamaruis looking yet he sees no one, he sighs "I guess no one cares" Naruto hears avoice. "Kit". Naruto falls out ofthe tree and lands in a pile of leaves "what was that". "Kit it's me kybui". Confused Naruto looks around "who's their". "It's me the demon inside you". Narutolooked at the sky thinking he was crazy after noticing that it was just pastsunset and getting dark Naruto got up and started walking home on his way homeNaruto stopped at a ramen shop for dinner after thanking the owner for a goodmeal he started walking home once again walking along the street that lead tohis apartment he pasted a couple drunk villagers. V1 looks at Naruto with alook of utter disgust "Hey demon kid what makes you think you can walk on thestreets with everyone else" V1 starts walking towards Naruto.V2 walks with V1"Ya what he said freak". Naruto backs away from the villagers who are walkingtowards him. Both V1 and V2 are quickly cornering Naruto into a dark alley. V1pulls something out of his pocket "look DEMON I don't want to do this but yougot to understand we don't want to see you around the village again okay".Naruto backs into a dead end "I was just trying to get home I didn't mean toupset you at all". V2 steps closer to Naruto picking up a pipe that was on theground "didn't you hear use we don't want to see you around here anymore" V2clenched his hand around the pipe and hit Naruto with it on his right arm. V1comes up behind V2 moving him out of the way he looks down at Naruto who isshorter then him "how many times do I have to say it leave the village no onelikes you or wants you here just leave" V1 slashes Naruto on his left armcutting threw his jacket and making Naruto bleed. Naruto grabs his left armtrying to stop the bleeding. V2 hits Naruto with the pipe again this timehitting Naruto on the knees harder making Naruto fall to the ground. Narutolooks up at the villagers the moonlight was shining on one of the villagersheadband it had the leafs symbol on it. V1 "what are you looking at freak" V1kicks Naruto in the stomach multiple times. V2 kicks Naruto in the head makinghim fall onto his side. Naruto curls up into a ball "please stop it" Narutobegs in fear. V1 "what did you say demon you want us to stop, stop what wearen't doing anything other than teaching a demon a lesson" V1 kicks Naruto inthe head making Naruto black out. The third hokage walks into the alley "heywhat are you doing to him" the third walks closer. V1 "oh crap it's the thirdrun" V1 and V2 disappear into the darkness. The third hokage walks up to Narutowho is knocked out cold "my poor boy what have they done to you" the thirdhokage picks up Naruto and takes him to Naruto's apartment, the third walksthrough the apartment door seeing that it had been trashed by the villagers thethird hokage puts Naruto down and his bed and covers him with a blanket whichwas raggedy and full of holes, the third

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