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You giggled as you played with yourbest friend Vlad, his name was Vladimir but you were four andcouldn't pronounce his name so you called him Vlad. You were bothhopeless romantics, he loved Disney movies which was rare for alittle boy, and you both loved Halloween. He liked vampires while youliked witches.

So with that you two would combinethat. You'd be the witch princess Name and he'd be the vampire princeVlad. You'd go to castle that your parents had built in yourbackyard, it was a big open square that was a court, and four towers,one on each corner and bridges attaching them to the two closest toeach of them.

You'd choose one of the towers to hidein and he'd come to the court and look around for you. You'd glancefrom the tower and sing, he'd look but you'd hide and he'd come tothe tower singing and you'd run away to the next tower, and he'dfollow.

Eventually you'd stop the game and lethim catch you and you'd both have fun deciding to marry. You'd marrythen you'd be the King and Queen, and you'd get your baby dolls andyou'd have a vampire-witch baby. If it was a girl you'd name her Lunaand if it was a boy you'd always name him Daiche.

Your parents and his parents wouldalways watch enjoying the sweet innocence of children. They'd talk toyou about how you two would have your wedding and it was so cute.

Sixteen Years Later

You moaned as youwere laying down in the early morning. You touched your stomach whereinside of you the baby was swirling and kicking at you.

"What's thematter, draga? (darling?)" Vladimir groaned from beside you.

"The little oneis being restless, dragaosta. (love.)" You answered screwing your(eye color) orbs shut as the baby gave a bit of a hard kick, "withthese kicks she or he would make a great (football/soccer) player."You added chuckling despite the slight pain.

Vladimir frownedmoving your (favorite color) night shirt up exposing your (skin tone)stomach that was stretched to hold his child. He gently kissed thestomach and rubbed it, "hey, calm down little one. Your mama needsher rest. As do you; go to sleep." You chuckled at that as the babykicked hearing its father's voice.

"The baby wants asong probably." You said as that was the one thing he did thatwould almost always quiet the little one in your womb down.

"Your probablyright, my sweet." He agreed kissing you gently before going back toyour stomach and singing to your stomach and the baby inside of you.You two had decided to not find out what the baby's gender was untilthe birth. You had learned Romanian over the years but he still sangit much better than you did.

As he sang the babydid calm down and you sighed in relief. "Mersea Vlad. (Thank youVlad.)" You thanked him, you could pronounce his name now but youstill preferred to call him Vlad.

"Anytimeliebea mia. (my love.)" Vladimir whispered kissing your forehead,he laid down holding you and rubbing your stomach. "I'm sorry."

"Why are yousorry?" You asked opening one eye to see his soft ruby eyes.

"Your in painbecause of me." He whispered and you giggled.

"Sweet Vlad, weboth want children and I knew this was coming. You didn't choose notto go through this, you can't." You smiled and your eyes startedfluttering shut, "now go to sleep."

"Da. (Yes.)"Vlad agreed.

Here we are, chibi Romania, this isthe last story for my chibi series. But if anyone likes this sereisand wants to see another one then ask, I might write it.

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