
110 17 1

Omg I can't believe we're at 280+ votes I can't even begin to explain how happy I am, thank you all so much for commenting, voting, and still reading this book. ❤️

Who gives you a free backstage pass to their concert?

Aries- Liam

Taurus- Louis

Gemini- Harry

Cancer- Niall

Leo- Louis

Virgo- Harry

Libra- Harry

Scorpio- Niall

Sagittarius- Louis

Capricorn- Liam

Aquarius- Niall

Pisces- Liam

Who'd you get?

I was planning on updating yesterday but sadly I'm ill again and it really sucks.

I'll still be updating more though ! :)

Also my book 'Under The Sea' is almost ready to be published so please stay tuned for news on that :)

I am out of ideas for a QOTD so I'll just skip that.

Anyways please comment and vote! X

Lots of love! XX

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