
22 1 4

@clover2288666 asks: I have a question how do you draw so good and how did I get get so lucky to have such a good friend like you and good wifey

Technically that's two questions, but I'll answer both.

1) I don't know. I get it from my dad. I don't think I draw very well. I also get that from my dad.

2) I could ask the same of you. If you didn't ask to be my friend on the first day of 7th grade we wouldn't be where we are now. Even if your first thought of me was "she's weird" ;p

-sigh- I'm so tired right now. I don't even know why. Also my head hurts. I'm going to try to go update Dear Diary now. Byeeeeee

(I'm on a computer atm I can't do emojis)

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