Alex Miller

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It was back in 1945, when the war was ending but still going. America needed to get Japan to surrender but they wouldn't back down. So America made them back down. America used the ultimate weapon on them, the atomic bomb. I was apart of that weapon. I dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima. It was in the Enola Gay. That ended the war. After we dropped Little boy on Hiroshima they dropped Fat Man on Nagasaki, that was the end. I Alex Miller, and my team helped end World war 2.

"Hey Alex, you ready for this?"

"Oh, you know I am."

"You better be because this is looking messy."

That was the last time I was cocky. That battle was one of the worst I've experienced. I almost didn't make it out alive.

"Alex we're out numbered. There are like 15 jets out here. There are only 6 of us." Mitch said.

"We can do it Mitch."

Mitch took out 3 of them as soon as we got there. Our team was one of the best. I didn't do so good that battle. My head wasn't right. I was just focusing on going home.



"Start heading back! We got this I'll be following you!"

"They got me good, I don't know if I'm going to make it!"

"Don't say that you'll make it! The rest of our team gots it."

That was one of the worst things I've ever experienced. I was one of the best but they finally got me. The only thing that was on my mind was to get to the base.

"Come on Alex we're almost there just keep flying! All you gotta do is land this thing!"

That was the first time ive came close to death.

"Come on you can make it! You're almost there! Just land it and you can go home!" Mitch yelled.


All I could hear that moment was the screeching of the wheels of the plane and the burning of the damaged wing.


After I landed the plane the last thing I heard was Mitch cheer and then I blacked out. The next thing I could remember was me lying in the hospital bed and Mitch sitting next to it. I was so thankful I survived. I guess that battle was worth it because a couple days later the Nazis surrendered. But we were still at war with Japan they just wouldn't quit. So the next month I was just lying low. I didn't go on a battle after the bad one. Japan still didn't surrender even though the Nazis did a month ago.

"Hey Alex do you see those guys over there? They are looking at us" Mitch said at the lunch table.

"Yeah I see them, they are kinda creepy."

"They are talking about us."

"Maybe they are talking about the battle we were in."

After a couple minutes they walked away and I didn't see them for a while. They looked like top military people. A couple weeks later Mitch and I saw them again watching us, it was the same people from before. They were even doing the same thing too. It looks like they are watching and talking about us. Nobody heard what they were saying.

"Next time those guys come around I'm going to try and see what they are saying about us."

The very next day we saw them again.

"Alex, it's those guys again. I'm going to go walk over there and see if I can hear anything." Mitch whispered.

Mitch snuck over by them and they didn't notice, maybe they thought he went to the bathroom. While he walked over there they were just watching me now. There was a reason those guys have been watching me and Mitch.

"Come on Alex, go to the bathroom, quick." Mitch whispered.

We both snuck into the bathroom and trying to act casual.

"They were evaluating us." Mitch said with concern.

"About what?" I said with confusion.

"They were evaluating us about a secret project."

"A secret project? It must be a new weapon."

"That's what I'm thinking."

It was a new weapon, a very powerful weapon. That was the last time those guys watched us. This time they went to talk to us.

"Alex Miller come with us."

"Who are you guys?" I said with confusion.

"We'll tell you later."

Then they took me to a secret room. It was closed off and it was only those two in it.

"Do you know why you're here?"


"We want you to help us end the war."

"And how am I going to do that?"

"You're going to do it with our new weapon. This weapon is a new type of bomb, it is very powerful. We're making a team so you guys can drop the bomb."

"I'm in, this war needs to end."

"I'm glad you're so enthusiastic about this. If you follow us through here you will be able to meet your new team."

There was four guys on my team, including me. And one of those guys happened to be Mitch.

"Hey Alex." Mitch said.

"They got you too?"


"I am general Steve key. I am your guys leader. Steve said.

"So when are we going to use this new weapon?" Mitch asked.

"In the following weeks. We still need to set some things up. The plane you guys will use for the mission is the Enola Gay. It is a Boeing B-29 Superfortress bomber. The bomb you will be carry is called Little Boy. Your target will be Hiroshima in Japan." Steve explained.

So for the following weeks we got prepared. We didn't discuss this with anyone. We were the only people that knew.

"Are you ready Alex?"

"I don't know this mission is crazy."

We all got ready that day and sent off to Hiroshima. It was a beautiful place and we didn't know how much we were about to destroy it. We all didn't know how powerful the bomb was.

"Alright guys you ready?" I said.

"Oh you know we are."

"It's all on you Alex."



"MY GOD!" Mitch shouted.

"I've never seen anything like this before."

"I didn't know it was this powerful."

"It looks like we just ended World war II.

That we did. After we dropped Little Boy on Hiroshima they dropped Fat Man on Nagasaki. Japan officially surrendered about a month later the bombs were dropped. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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