Chapter 1~~just the beginning

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As the girls get off the bus, they don't talk. Mackenzie was about to do something about it. "Hey Kayla, don't you think we should try to all talk to each other?". Kayla doesn't say anything, until a few minutes later. "Well, yeah, but are we supposed to forgive and forget about this?". Mackenzie nods her head up and down. Kayla, Mackenzie, and Isabella decide to go talk to Emily and apologize. Emily agrees, but seems as if she doesn't know. The girls start talking as normal. They also weren't the most popular, but always thought being in their own group made them feel popular, and they were fine with that. The girls start walking and notice they see one of the boys Emily hangs out with, 8th grader Jordan Sanchez. Mackenzie, Isabella, and Kayla all look at him, but he doesn't realize it. Emily didn't look at him or say anything. She just looked down. The girls continue walking as if nothing happened, nothing really did happen, but whatever. So as they arrive in the center of the school, they go to their spot by the 200 building as normal. They start talking about how their weekend was, Mackenzie was saying what she did until Emily interrupted her. "I went to Disney springs with my family and we stayed in Orlando and we went to animal kingdom and rode expedition ever-" "Hey guys, I saw you looking at Jordan...why?" The girls all look at each other without giving Emily any answer. The bell was just about to ring, and then Mackenzie grabbed Emily's arm, "Hey Emily, can I talk to you for a minute?" And with Emily's response Mackenzie gets a little upset inside because she knew why she said that. "No sorry, can it wait until later.....I have to...uh... Go turn In some homework!" Mackenzie replying in a devastating voice, "Yeah...I guess..." Then RINGGG! The bell went off and everyone went to class, but Mackenzie stayed behind. She was about to go to class after about 5 minutes until she saw the principal come out! She knew if he saw her he would be EXTREMELY upset. Mackenzie suddenly found a bush and hid, but little did she know, Her phone rang! The principal saw her. She had to go to the office, but she was almost crying, trying to hold the tears back because she wasn't much of a troublemaker. After the office, she went to her 1st class, history, which was not her favorite. As soon as she walked in the door, everyone immediately looked at her. Mackenzie sat down next to Kayla, Isabella, and Emily as usual. Emily asked her what was wrong, but she didn't say. All of the sudden Emily gets up and asks the teacher to go to the library, and where was she ACTUALLY going? Yup, to see Jordan Sanchez, Her "friend". Isabella decides to go to the library, and spy on Emily. She overheard Emily saying "My friends think that we aren't friends because of you." Jordan replies with something he sounds unsure about, "What did I do....all I do is talk to you...?" Emily looks at him as if he's lying. "Why say it like that? And I feel I should choose." "Choose what? Who to be friends with?" Yes,Emily replies. Isabella ran back to history because Emily was about to get up. "Hey Jordan, I've gotta go, see you maybe tomorrow." Emily grabs her stuff and leaves. She started feeling bad about the whole boy friends and friends thing. She avoided that and pretended the problem never existed. She knew acting as if it was never a problem, could end up making the friendship with Mackenzie, Isabella, and Kayla worse. She avoided that too. Emily thought ignoring the fact she wasn't talking to her best friends as much would make the problem go away, but did it? No. The next day Emily didn't show up. Mackenzie, Isabella, and Kayla were kind of worried and confused. Kayla decided to finally say something. "It's not like Emily to be gone, she's always here.." That made Mackenzie and Isabella think. A lot. They all thought it could've had something to do with Jordan. And they were all kind of glad because the girls were in 7th grade and Jordan was in 8th. So that meant Jordan was going to high school and Emily wouldn't see him. If they told Emily that, they knew they wouldn't have been good friends. The bell rang to go to their first class, history as usual. Emily still wasn't there, and they were still worried. Mackenzie started to say something. "Don't you guys think that Em-" and then paused. Kayla and Isabella didn't ask what she was going to say because they knew she wasn't going to tell them. As the class starts to begin, Emily finally decides to show up. Mackenzie, Isabella, And Kayla looked at her for a second until she sat down. "Sorry guys....i was umm...Sick...yeah." Emily was stuttering at that point, and the girls knew she was lying. "So where were you?, honestly Emily?" Mackenzie says in a half sarcastic voice. Emily replies back with another lie. "I was sick---I told you..." The girls decide to let it pass, but they knew it wasn't the end. Today the girls had to work on a project- together. They get to work, but without words. Kayla says something that changes it all. "You know what can we stop ignoring each other because I'm determined to get a good grade and we're supposed to be TALKING." Emily, Isabella, and Mackenzie agree. They actually had a normal conversation without Emily talking about Jordan. Was she going to change? Probably not. Mackenzie starts talking about how she missed all of them being together, and talking. Emily finally decides to say something. "You guys I'm sorry I know I've been lying and talking about Jordan, A LOT, but I'm going to change. I promise I won't lie about Jordan anymore." Inside Mackenzie's head she actually believed her. They really did want her to change about that. Isabella starts talking about how she can't wait to be in 8th grade next year, all about how they'll be the queens of the school, and hoping they have classes together. All of the sudden Emily gets up. "I gotta to Jordan..I told you guys I wouldn't lie about yeah." Kayla seemed kind of furious because she does that everyday, almost to the point where she doesn't even care anymore, but Kayla loved being friends with Emily. After the bell rang to leave, still no Emily. Isabella has her 2nd class with Emily too, and yet again, still no Emily.... When will Emily come back? What will she do next?

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