[3] well fellow writer of this guide, what are you then?

298 9 19

  I am a wolf Therian.
(Awhoo awhooo)

I've known about... 2-3 years(?) about my spirit.
When I was younger I would always (I still do it, no shame) get on all fours and just act like a canine. I barked, I yipped, I even howled. (Once again I still do)
When I was young, my parents always told me "stop acting like a dog!" "Stop acting like an animal, you're not an animal!!"
My brother recently said to me, "stop acting like some dog. You aren't one."
Let me just say, my feelings were hurt.
Like very badly.

K I'm gonna let my inner do the talking.

My Therian wolf's name is Moon.
She's a female. (ADUHH)
She's older than me, (I don't ask her what her age is, she usually growls at me)
She is a dark timber wolf. (red almost)
She's basically me in a nut shell. (Or am I her in a nut shell? Idk)
Some traits would be:
Protective (if you know me,you can agree) and
Smart (not 100% of the time tho, but smarter than me)

I don't really know how else to explain her, but if I had to in two words it would be Protective and Smart.

Her death?
Let's not talk about that..

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