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Hi! My name is... You don't care, do you? You just want to sleep with me like rest of them and then leave me heartbroken, don't you?

It's not like I don't try to get the guy back, but for some reason, he's more attracted to the goody-goody-two shoes geeky girls. That's the reason I bully those damn bitches! I'm not stupid or anything. I know their little secret. They mask their beauty with big, thick glasses, but as soon as they remove them, they're ten times better looking than me. That's so unfair because I actually work really hard to look good!

I try my best to copy YouTube make-up tutorials. It's not easy, you know. I had spent an awful lot on all sorts of products that promised to make me look beautiful. That's a downside of me. I believe things way too quickly. Do you know how long it took me until I mastered the art of make-up? Nearly two years! By now, I can confidently apply make-up by myself without relying on a professional to do it.

I didn't even stop there. My eyebrows have a tendency to grow really quickly so I taught myself how to thread my eyebrows, obviously with the help from YouTube. If only my nails grew as quickly as my eyebrows!

I love my nails. I shape them to perfection before I paint them. Sometimes I use really bright colours like hot pink, but other times I switch to the dark, sexy colours. I love experimenting with my nails and mixing different colours together to produce a weird, beautiful mixture. I taught myself from pretty, little designs to gorgeous, eye-catching patterns.

I like to think I'm good at these kind of things. I think I'm really good. All those years of practising have paid off! Right now, I'm learning to style my hair in different ways. I'll admit it, I'm not as good with my wild hair as I am with nails. Not that anyone took the time to know this.

Are you still reading this? Why haven't you abandon me yet? I have a nagging feeling you're going to leave pretty soon. Everyone leaves me - even my so-called friends.

Anyway, I'll drop this depressing shit.

At this moment, I'm gazing into the most gorgeous blue eyes. To be honest, I've seen plenty of beautiful blue eyes and amazing green eyes that they've become less special. It's a shame I still can't snap out of their hypnotizing stare. Maybe it would stop me from falling so hard for the damn guy - especially since I agree with Marilyn Monroe that, yes, eyes are the gateways to our soul.

The guy that I'm currently with is a jerk. A sexy jerk. His name is Nate and he's, of course, a fucking player. I didn't want to get involved with anymore players as I'm already fed up with their shit, but when I looked into his hypnotizing eyes, I couldn't help myself. Eyes are my weakness, okay? I just hope that one day, after endless of blue and green eyes, I will get tired of seeing them.

If there's one thing I've learned while getting my heart smashed again and again is that players have a special girl who they truly love. I will find that girl and ruin her face permanently so he'll be mine.

I follow Nate's stare and- well, would you look at that? He's checking out Harmony, the new girl who transferred here two weeks ago. We had a little introduction before when she, being the clumsy idiot she is, bumped into me and I told her to watch her steps. Needless to say, she never bothered me again... Until now.

"Let's make out," I say to Nate in my flirtatious voice as I grab his cheeks, forcing him to look at me. It's a struggle. It was almost like something was pulling his head to her direction. After a while of tug-of-war, I attempted to kiss him.

I leaned in and... I fell on my face!

Yeah, that's right. The sexy jerk abandoned me to go to the new girl. He took big, proud strides to her while sniffing the air in delight. It reminded me of the time I lovingly sniffed my nail polish. Don't judge me. I can't get enough of that gorgeous fragrance.

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