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Maggie POV

I can't believe the girls already replaced me. And I also can't believe that they didn't care that my uncle depended on me to do that gig. I started running to the rose room to just let my feelings out into a song, after all that's what always helps me feel better. I grabbed my guitar and started working on a little melody. Usually when I have strong feelings all my emotions just flow right out of me like a waterfall. Lyrics were just instantly popping around my brain and I immediately wrote them down and continued working on my song. Tears were just dripping down my face as I wrote about how I'm unimportant and unwanted. I guess no one really cared about me in the band.

Luke POV

The guys and I were just about to hit the road for our gig. We were loading up the van with all our equipment.

"Hey John do we have the amp?" I asked as he checked the back of the van.

"Nah man I think it's still inside." He said.

"Alright." I said as I walked away entering back into Lost and Found. I walk over to the rose room and I see Maggie sitting on the stage crying while playing the guitar.

"Hey you ok?"
She looks up and wipes her tears.

"Um ya I'm good." She smiles slightly.

"Are you sure? I mean you can talk to me about it." I offered as I walked up to her.

"Don't you have a gig to get to?" She asked.

"Ya but if you need to talk I can stay for a bit." I said.

"No its fine, I wouldn't want you to miss your show." She declined.

"No come on, just tell me what's going on?" I asked.

"No it's fine, you should go." She said.

"If you say so, but hey when I get back do you wanna talk about it?" I insisted.
She hesitated for a second then answered.

"Um ya sure that'd be nice."

"Well I'll see you later." I said giving her a hug.

"See you and good luck at your show" She acknowledged.

"Thanks." I replied. I grabbed the amp and headed out the door passing by Leia.

"Oh hey Luke!" She greeted enthusiastically.
"Hey Leia." I said.

"I just wanted to wish you good luck on your show tonight. I know your gonna do amazing tonight, well you and the band are gonna do amazing. But mainly you, I know your gonna be a rockstar out there and your gonna kill it like you always do because that's-"

"-thanks for the good luck speech Leia, but I really gotta go." I cut her off.

"Oh ya sorry, well carry on" She said moving out of the way so I can get through.
I carried the amp and stuffed it in the van. Now it's time to head out to the gig.

Leia POV

Well that conversation with Luke went really well. I feel like maybe he might actually like me! I mean me and him getting together would've been so much easier if Maggie wasn't involved. The thought of her talking to him, looking at him, and even breathing the same air as him is not healthy for me and Luke's budding relationship. I need her to stay away from him as much as possible. And now that she's not in the band, it's harder for me to keep an eye on her and make sure she's not flirting with my future boyfriend, correction husband. I walk into the rose room just to make sure she will never talk to him.

"Hey Maggie can I talk to you about something important?" I asked her.

"Ya sure. Is it about the band? Are you asking if I can come back? Because yes, I would love to!" She said happily.

"Um no." I said. "It's actually about Luke. You see I thought we had a Luke truce and I just saw you hug him earlier, you're not abiding by our Luke truce!"

"Oh. I'm sorry. Our "Luke truce" only applied to when I was in the band, just so nothing happens to our band. And since I'm not in the band, I guess the Luke truce doesn't work." She replied.

"Don't give me attitude! Luke is still mine! Whether there's a truce or not!" I yelled walking away.

"Luke's a person Leia, not a house, so you can't claim him like he's your property!" She yelled back.

Maggie POV

I still can't believe Leia thinks that she can just call dibs on Luke, like that's so immature of her. Anyways i continued on working on my song, if Leia doesn't want me to be in the band anymore, I guess I can just be a solo artist. Within an hour I finished my song and went to the java junction to grab some snacks. As I walked in I see Leia, Rachel, and Annabelle giving me dirty looks. Also they replaced me with Eva. It hurts to see them but I just turn away and shake it off. I grab my snacks and head out.

Luke POV

The gig turned out great. I think everyone really enjoyed it. We got back to Lost and Found to bring back the instruments. I was about to head home when I remembered I still had to talk to Maggie.

"Hey great show today guys" Theo said.

"Ya man it was great." James said.

"Ya guys I think I'm gonna head out now, I'm really exhausted." John sighed.

"Ya me too." James and Theo replied.

"What about you Luke? You should probably leave soon, it's been a pretty eventful day." John said.

"Uh ya I'll leave soon I just gotta talk with a friend." I said.

"Who?" Theo asked.

"Oh um Maggie." I answered.

"Oh hmm." John said suspiciously. "Well good night buddy."

"Good night guys." I said as they waved goodbye. I looked around the studio trying to find Maggie, but she wasn't there. Maybe she left. I checked the green room and bingo there she was.

"Hey" I said knocking on the door.

She looked up from her book and smiled. "Hey come in."

I walked over and sat next to her on the couch.

"Wow you actually showed up." She said.

"Why your surprised? You didn't think I would come?" I asked curiously.

She closed up her book and set her guitar aside. "I don't, I thought that you'd be too busy doing spontaneous rockstar things than to just come and talk with me."
I laughed

"No. I'll always make some time. So tell me, what was bothering you earlier?" I asked.

She sat up straight and sighed. "Well, the girls kicked me out of their band just because I performed with you guys when we opened up for Magenta City. And I got really upset because they already replaced me the next day. I just felt like I wasn't that important to the band it they can replace me that quickly." She confessed.

"Oh I'm really sorry." I said trying to comfort her.

"It's fine, I mean I guess I can be a solo artist." She said looking down at her shoes.

I thought about an idea. "Hey maybe you don't have to be on your own."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Maybe you can sing for our band. I mean you sounded awesome with us when we performed the other day. You can be my co-lead singer" I offered.

And right when I opened my mouth I completely regret saying that. I didn't even ask the guys if it was cool with them. What have I just done?

"Oh my gosh really? Thank you so much Luke! This is great!" She said excitedly.
I smiled nervously as I'm still in shock from my mouth that literally just keeps on blabbing.

She hugs me tightly and I hug her back. Well tomorrow's gonna be interesting...

lost // maggie & lukeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora