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Maggie POV

I finish running errands later that afternoon so I decide to hang out a little bit at Lost and Found. I walk in the rose room and the guys are in there goofing around.

"Hey guys I'm back! Wow what a productive rehearsal session!" I joked.

They all stopped what they were doing and just smiled at me.

"Um we were just you know um.. cleaning" Theo said leaning on the drum kit and suddenly toppling over it.

We all just laughed as he tried to get up and brush himself off.

"I'm good, I'm good." He smiled.

"Hey guys, we should all hang out somewhere, you know other than here. Like we could all have a band bonding day or something like watch a movie, go swimming, or go bowling!" I suggested.

"Ok since your the girl, you can do all the things girls do to plan out "bonding days". I mean I'm cool with whatever." James said.

"Ya me too." Theo said.

"That's cool, you should plan it out and surprise us." Luke suggested.

"Sure, but do we have a day where we're not busy and have no gigs?" I asked.

"Um next saturday." Luke said.

"Ok cool, so next saturday group bonding?" I assured.

"Ya" They all answered.

"Ok well now we should probably rehearse." James suggested.

We all agreed and started rehearsing some of the songs.

Leia POV

I was on my way to go to the recording studio when I hear the guys rehearsing! Ooh yay! I walk over to peak at the rose room and I can't believe what I'm seeing. Maggie is singing with the guys band! What? How? I can't believe she not only sang with them for the gig but now she's officially in their band! I bet that whole night was set up just show she can join their band and be with Luke. That's it, I have to do something about this. I slid the door open and stormed right into their rehearsal. They stopped playing as soon as they saw me.

"Hey Leia, is everything ok?" Theo asked concerned.

"No! Everything is not ok! You wanna know why!" I screamed.

They all had scared looks on their faces but I don't care because once I tell them everything, they're just gonna feel bad for me and Maggie will finally look like the bad guy in Luke's eyes.

"Well first of all, Maggie's uncle wanted her to sing lead instead of me. And I'm pretty sure she told him to say that just so there's gonna be an issue with our band not being able to perform for Magenta City. Then she performs with your guys' band behind our backs, when we all agreed to not perform. I also think you did that on purpose just so you can be kicked out of our band and you can be in theirs. And now that your not in our group, you think it's ok to just waltz on in and sing with them. That is not ok Maggie!" I screamed.

She started tearing up. "Listen Leia, none of that was set up I swear. I never told my uncle that I wanted to sing lead. And I never set up trying to get into the guys' band. I went to talk to my uncle to say that we weren't gonna perform anymore, but he said I had to. And he just brought the guys' band along. I never meant for any of that to happen." She said.

"Ya right." I scoffed rolling my eyes.

"Listen Leia, if Maggie says she never did those things, she never did them ok?" Luke said. I was appalled at this comment.

lost // maggie & lukeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora