Chapter 36: Spooks

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Jerome's POV

A couple of us head back to the RV to unload the tents. I grab mine and Mitch's bag as Adam comes in. It's just us two in the RV. I face away from him as he approaches. My heart starts beating. If there was any time for him to make a move, it would be now. He puts his hand on my back and I fling around.
"Chill out man, I'm just trying to get my bag."He says calmly as he reaches behind me where his bag is. He wears a confused face. I watch him as he leaves. There was no reason he would have skipped out on an opportunity like that. Something had to have changed, but I can't figure out what.
"Jerome, you okay there?" Says Mitch, peaking in the doorway. There's already dirt smeared across his forehead. I chuckle, "yeah but you got a little something-" I point to his forehead.
"What?" He says and just smears it across his face more.
"Here, I'll get it." I walk up to him and pull my shirt sleeve over my hand. I have to stand on my toes to reach and make sure I get all the dirt off. As I go back down on my feet, our eyes connect.

Adam's POV

I look over to the RV to see Mitch and Jerome very close to each other. They have locked their eyes together and slowly lean in to each other. I don't know what comes over me. It's like my body has a mind of it's own because now I'm on my feet walking towards them.
"The suns going to set soon can you guys help us with the fire?" They both jump a little and turn towards me. "Oh sorry was I interrupting something?" I ask, knowing that my interruption was completely intentional.
"Uh, no no. Nothing at all. We would love to help." Says Jerome as he steps out of the RV and heads to the fire pit. Mitch stands there, eyebrows furrowed and glaring. "We would love to help, right Mitch?" Repeats Jerome.
"Absolutely " says Mitch as he walks to Jerome. I smirk at him and he lightly bumps into me with his shoulder.

Mitch's POV

"I'm so sick of him! Is he going to do this kind of crap the whole time?" I whisper to Jerome.
Jerome stops and turns towards me. I look down to the dirt.
"Mitchy, look at me." He says and I oblige. He takes a deep breath, "You are the one I like, not him. So stop letting him bother you so much.". I smile. "And come on, have you seen him and have you seen you? You're like 10 times more hot and spicy than him."
"That's pretty damn hot and spicy." I say.
"You're damn right it is." Says Jerome.

Lachlan's POV

As the sun sets behind the hills, we all gather around the fire roasting hot dogs and marshmallows.
(I kept spelling 'gods' instead of'dogs'... I just watched Avengers for the 10th time today and Thor is just stuck in my head)
"Hey Robadobflob, dog me." I say and point my skewer towards him. He places a hot dog on it and I submerge it into the fire.
"Oy, you're going to be eating charcoal dogs if you keep that up." Says Vikk.
"Oh yeah well what if I like my hot dogs black?" Everyone stops talking. "Wait that's not what I meant." My face turns bright pink as everyone bursts out laughing.
As the laughter silences Vikk says, "You know what it's time for?". He turns on a flash light under his face, "Spooks! One night, in these very woods, there was a man. He came to this camp sight to camp out for a couple days. He just wanted to escape the world for a while and be by himself. But every night he stayed here, he became more and more fond of being in the company of himself and only himself. He stayed here for weeks which became months which became years all by himself. He lived off of small forest mice and squirrels. But instead of cooking them over a fire, he just snapped their necks, " Vikk breaks a stick in his hand making everyone flinch." And ate them raw right down to the bones. He was alone with his mind for 2 whole years until one day a couple came here for a nice weekend camping trip. They set up a tent and sat around the fire just as we are now. But as the fire dimmed, the darkness surrounded them. They head back to their tent for a nice sleep but the man lurked in the shadows. As he snuck over to their tent, the couple sleeps peacefully. He slowly unzips the tent and climbs in side. He leans over them and smiles as he takes a pillow and places on top of their faces, muffling their screams. He takes his sharpened tree branch and jabs at their throats. He leaves them there, no traces of him left behind as he sneaks back into the night waiting. For. His. Next. VICTIM!" A man jumps out from behind Vikk and a couple of us scream, my scream being the loudest. But as the man comes closer to the light I could see it was just Preston. Vikk and Preston are practically on the floor laughing. I cross my arms angrily.
"Awww, Lachy." Vikk sits next to me and pulls me in tight. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you so hard."
I burrow my face in his chest, "you scared and embarrassed me all in one."

Jerome's POV

"It's getting late, we should all probably get some sleep." Says Mitch as he stands up and yawns. Everyone agrees and we all head to our tents. Mitch and I decide to share. As he zips up our tent, the only light is from the moon that peaks in through the mesh roof. I sit there looking at my thumbs and then at Mitch. He smiles at me, "Now there's no Adam to interrupt us.". He crawls over to me and caresses my face with his hand as he brings my lips to his. The kiss becomes deeper but I hear a crackling outside out tent and pull away.
"What's wrong?" Says Mitch, somewhat concerned and someone frustrated.
"I heard something outside."
"Jerome, there's plenty of little animals walking around the woods and the wind is constantly rustling the leaves don't worry about it." He says and kisses me again. But again I pull away, "There it is again!"
"Jerome, I'm here with you. It's okay.". He begins to kiss down my neck but I'm too busy listening outside. "There it is! Don't you hear it?" I say. Mitch let's out a frustrating moan.
"Look, I tried to be intimate with you but you aren't even paying attention so I'm just going to go to sleep." Mitch lays down and pulls the blankets over him. I slowly lay down looking out of the mesh opening above our tent. I close my eyes trying not to think of what might be outside but flinch at every noise. Mitch notices and sighs. He wraps an arm around me and pulls me in tight to his chest while putting his hand over my ears. I hear nothing and slightly smile as I fall into sleep.

Authors Note:
Here's a long chapter for you all since you all have been so patient. I'm too tired to go through and check the grammar and spelling so sorry if things are a little odd... It is 12:30am sooooo. Anyways hope you enjoyed it! Peach out~ Chaotix

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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