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So I was bored, had spare time, started writing and this just sort of happened. Also, I was reading the new chapter of Seraph of the End, not that it has to do with this story, but who the fuck does Ferid think he is? Just look:

 Also, I was reading the new chapter of Seraph of the End, not that it has to do with this story, but who the fuck does Ferid think he is? Just look:

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I mean, Mika is the only one for Yuu, in my books. I'm so salty right now. Ha, get it? Salty? Yuichiro? King of Salt? Okay, I'm done.

Karma wove in between the neon markers. They were doing physical education with Tadaomi Karasuma. As they wove, they were supposed to shot at fast moving targets. Trying to hit moving targets while you moved yourself? It was a pretty difficult task to accomplish and many students weren't able to hit anything. Karma, however was one of the select few able to do so.

"Ha! This is too easy Karasuma-sensei. Could you make those targets a bit faster?"

"Unfortunately, Karma," started Karasuma, "I cannot do so until the others have the skills to hit targets as you do."

"Aw, but this is sooooo simple," said Karma with a brief look on his face.

"You'll have to deal with it," responded Karasuma while walking away and therefore ending the conversation. Karma pouted. Almost everything he did he succeeded in. He is as close to perfect one can get. The only thing he has never achieved was a steady relationship with love and romance. Maybe I can have that kind of relationship with Gakushū, thought Karma, not even realizing that he had tripped while in deep thought. His feet were wrapped around each other and he stumbled to the ground. Did I say stumbled? It was more like he did a trust fall with the ground and the ground wasn't having any of that.

He landed face first on the ground and slid a few feet, receiving scrapes on both his arms and legs. There didn't seem to be any on his face(another one of the perfect things about him) but he was still bleeding pretty heavily where he had gotten cut. The whole class stared at Karma's epic fail. No one said anything. They just stared. Karasuma walked over to Karma and helped him to his feet. Karma winced at the sudden stinging of the lacerations. He hobbled to the class whilst clinging to Karasuma's shoulder. Rio Nakamura followed the two in, hoping to see Karma bleed, it gave her some teasing material from the fall.

Karasuma searched the shelves for disinfectant and gauze, neither of which could be found. Karasuma let out a sigh.

"We're going to have to call the main school to get them to bring over some medical supplies," he spoke gruffly as he looked over at Karma who was practically bleeding out because of the deep scrapes. The gashes hadn't seemed that deep, but after a few moments they saw how much blood was poring out of Karma and requested that the medical supplies be delivered immediately.

Karasuma looked over at the clock. It had been about fifteen minutes since the occurrence and the bandages and disinfectant still had not arrived. Karma was looking slightly pale due to blood loss. His limbs were still bleeding quite heavily although they had applied pressure on the opened wounds with cloths. If Koro-sensei was here, he could have been there and back in a flash, but he was currently suffering from a "cold" and was taking the day off.

Karma was starting to feel light headed just as he heard someone announce "we're here!"

He was a bit happy that they had finally come because passing out in school due too tripping over himself wasn't exactly something that was in his schedule for today. Although he was happy to be able to receive medical care, he didn't really want to see any of the annoying kids from the main building who looked down on the E class. He, however, would have been overjoyed if he had known that Gakushū was one of the students who had brought the medical supplies. Any Who, Gakushū walked into the building, prepared to give medical treatment, not knowing Karma was the one he was going to give it to.

Thanks for reading so far! By the by, in case you haven't noticed, I'm really anti-social so I don't really reply to comments, but I'll try. Also, what I have planned for these lovebirds is so evil, at least from my point of view.

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