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~Swag14 login~ (actually he never logoff since last night..)

Swag14:N hyung is so black..🗿

Swag14:So can't see him if in the dark..🙈

Swag14:He like a ghost right??😹

Swag14:Leo hyung have a poker face..😑

Swag14:He will smile if he see a cute thing and a kid..😌

Swag14:Ken hyung is super duper hype active..😂

Swag14:And he good at drawing..😛

Swag14:Hongbin is a good actor..😊

Swag14:he so handsome..like an art..😵

Swag14:He have six pack..like me..😋

Swag14:Hyuk..the evil maknae..👿

Swag14:Now he is sleeping in the toilet..😴

Swag14:good for him..😁

~everyone login~

KennieKennie:I found a died body in our toilet..😨

Swag14:it's just Hyuk..😒

KongBean:errk..I get lock in the cage..it's all because of the game..💢

Lion:having fun kids??

Hyukie:sure..beside get a water bom from Ken hyung..💣💦

KennieKennie: just get out from the toilet..I want to take shower..🚿

~KennieKennie logoff~

NNNN:I need to meet you two..Ravi and Hyuk..🙅

KongBean:you guys is a dead meat..👏

Lion:good for you guys..👍

~Lion logoff~

~KongBean logoff~

Hyukie:fine..just let me take a breakfast first..🍔🍟🍗🍖🍝🍛

NNNN:no breakfast for you..😈


~Hyukie logoff~


Swag14:on my way sir..😑

~Swag14 logoff~

NNNN:oh my head..💫

~NNNN logoff~

~tomorrow is Hari Raya.. OMG..can't wait..Selamat Hari Raya to the Muslim..~

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