My Fandoms

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Hey everyone!

This is the first chapter of my new booook! When I made this account, I thought I only gonna use it as like a backup for my main account and to see how much people can see at my main account :)

But then I decided to make a rant book about my fandoms, because why not!

If you read my bio, you already have seen that I always gonna talk English. Just to practice it and I'd like to talk another language. You're allowed to correct my mistakes in the comments but I don't want to push you to correct everything because you'll waste too much time at doing that ;)

But my introduction is already waaaaaay too long, so yeah, let's get started!


I'm really a fan girl. Like, too much! Kinda spend all my spare time at stalking my fandoms or I discover new nice, famous people... :)

I'm gonna divide my fandoms in paragraphs because other ways there's no logical division and will I maybe forget some people (wooooww that's a big deal, you forget someone!!... Yes, it is okay? xD)



So, my main fandom is Shawn Mendes and properly everyone who knows me, knows that he's just my entire world. I always talk about him and people get tired of me talking about him and listening his music and stalking him and writing his name on things like note blocks, books, clothes, etc etc... And yeaaaaaah I just can't imagine what I'll do with my life when he doesn't exist. But I think i talked about him enough for today because properly 9 up to 10 of my rants will be about him.

Okay, from now I gonna divide:


I'm not that much fan girling about many singers. Only Shawn. There are some more singers I find good but I'm not fan of them. Except Camila Cabello. I'm a really big fan of her and Fifth Harmony too. And she is a friend of Shawn ;) but there not so many other singers who I fan girl about.


Okay magcon is just life. It has the most of my fandoms in just one group and omg they gonna have so much chapters in this book, later on. And now I don't know where I gonna start. Uhm, I think Hunter Rowland is my biggest fandom from magcon. I don't know why. He's just so cute and I like his personality and he's so sweet and weird and funny. I'll try to talk short :)
My next fandom from magcon: Cameron Dallas. I think he has properly the most fans and he was my second fandom in my life (Shawn first of course lol). He's handsome and we all know. And he's funny.
And then there's Blake. To be honest, I was never interested in Blake until I decided to write a magcon fanfiction for which I needed a magcon boy who I'm not really a big of. So I put Blake in it. But after more and more writing, I started "stalking" him too and he's cute af. And his new haircut is so much better. Just saying.
And my other fandoms from magcon are: Brandon, Aaron and Johnny. But I'm not obsessed with them ;)

And then you have the old magcon. Such a perfect group. I miss them, even I like the new magcon too. Nash (with short hair), Hayes and Mattew were my favorites (and of course Shawn but he has his own paragraph).


Then you have the famous musically people. I'm kinda obsessed with musically I think. I still don't get why famous musers get so much hate. I can understand that lip syncing not really a talent is but I think they never started musically because they wanted to get famous. It was just for fun. So do I. My favorites are: BabyAriel, she's so good at it and I love her personality, Loren Gray/Beech, I never was a really big fan of her but after watching all her YouTube videos and getting to know her better I think she's a great person, Lisa and Lena, they're just good musers and its nice to see twins doing musically AND I LOVE THEIR CLOTHING COMPANY, Mario Selman, he's cute and I never expected to learn how to make musicallys  from a boy but dayummn he's good at it! And I love some more people too but I follow too much people to decide who I gonna talk about.


There are just so many nice youtubers. I love reaction time (Tal) because his reactions are priceless :') and he's so funny and I love the Schmitty-series. VladTeeVee, again a reaction youtuber, reaction youtubers are just the best ones okay?
And my favorite channel.... Tamttumtammmm.... Our journey! I know, theyre famous because of musically but I love their videos and I just wanted to mention Weston Koury in the YouTube paragraph because he deleted all his musicallys and I don't know why. But Weston, omg, I don't know how to explain but he's so freaking funny because he's so weird and his video's has loud audio af and everybody knows but I can't even explain. He kinda feels like when I'll know him in real life, he properly my best friend is :)

Okay I think this were all my fandoms. I love the teen wolf cast too but I stopped watching so yeaaaah :)

I'll apologize for my English but I don't know what I can do for it. Just practicing and I think this will help me better than only English class at school.

Bye, and gn xx (it's 10pm in ma country)

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