Opening a Closed Door

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By Anonymous


Well,I'm not that good at story telling,but here I go!

Subject: Discovering/Coming out.

It all began in 8th grade with a girl named (I'm not going to say her real name)Peach.I had a bit of a crush on her at the time and I had held it in,too scared to tell anyone.It was June 12th that I had walked up to her ad told her my feelings, we were best friends after all.She did return my feelings and we became a couple.My mom was scrolling through my phone and found out about my relationship with her and screamed at me.She called me some really bad names and told me to leave.Luckily my step dad was there at the time and defended me.There my step dad and my mom got Into an argument and ended up divorcing.I had chosen to stay with my step father.Even though I didn't see my 5 brothers for a while they still supported me for being a homosexual.I had also joined the LGBTQ alliance at my highschool who gave me my strength to continue after going through severe depression.I later official came out of the closet and announced I was homosexual.My girlfriend and I are married today.

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