「 I 」

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« one »

"Min Yoongi!"

The young boy's head shot up when his name boomed around the classroom. His teacher, Ms. Choi, peered at him with her sharp, merciless brown eyes.

Yoongi gulped and hesitantly spoke. "Yes ma'am?"

Ms. Choi glided from her position in the back of the room towards the front to stand in from of the chalk dusted board.

A wry smile crept onto the women's aged features and then her lips moved to form her question.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Yoongi's posture straightened; a gummy smile wandering onto his plump face. He looked towards Ms. Choi with an answer spilling from his small lips. "I want to make music, ma'am."

A frightening cackle erupted from the elder woman's throat after Yoongi had spoken. The young boy furrowed his eyebrows while his joyous smile became a confused frown.

He could hear low snickers and giggles surround him, but Ms. Choi's laughter chilled his blood.

The woman he'd been gazing at progressively lowered her howling shriek of a laugh down to patronizing chuckles. Ms. Choi met Yoongi's eyes with a sharp, mocking stare.

Despite him turning his eyes down to the desk he resided in, her hawk-like eyes bore into him. "It takes hard work​ to make music, Mr. Min." Ms. Choi sneered at the younger.

With another entertained laugh, Ms. Choi said, "Don't hold your breath, Mr. Min." Her expression soured as she concluded her final statement. "Musicians always fail."

The teacher walked away from the boy and moved to start up the class. Yoongi reached his arm out and started to speak. "But ma'am-"

He was cut off by the sharp sound of a ruler smacking against Ms. Choi's hardwood desk. The entire class jumped at the impact, but it was only intended to silence one child in particular.

Ms. Choi's features hardened. "Mr. Min, do not waste your time on music. You will go nowhere with it."

She turned back towards the board, picked up a worn piece of chalk and mumbled, "You'll never succeed."

With that, the young boy's tiny fist clenched. The anger he felt was unnerving. He willed himself to keep quiet as Ms. Choi droned on, but he couldn't.

Yoongi stood abruptly sending his desk chair back with a loud screech. Ms. Choi turned and squinted at the boy in confusion. She noticed the tight fists balled at his sides, but - because he was looking down - she couldn't see his face.

His small head turned up towards Ms. Choi and she froze. The young boy full of naive hope and optimism was only a shell; dull and hollow.

She gulped. Yoongi didn't waste any time, though. "Then don't mind me." He said.

Ms. Choi's eyes widened. "W-What did you say?"

Suddenly his lifeless expression was traded for one full of intensity. Yoongi stood taller as he gained more confidence.

"My mother used to tell me I could be whatever I wanted to be as long as I worked hard."

The teacher searched the boy's round face for a trance if hesitance, but the strength in his round eyes was all she could see.

Min Yoongi looked up at her, youthful innocence dissolving alongside his optimism when he concluded with: "I'll work hard, so don't mind me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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