Chapter 18~

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Jimin had thought that Jungkook would be kinder to him after what happened the night before-

Jimin had thought wrong.

In fact, Jungkook was worse.

Jimin assumes that the younger is trying to compensate for his brief flash of weakness by being overly horrible to him, and for once, Jimin doesn't mind. If this is what Jungkook needs to do to feel better- then he will just have to bare it for a while.

"Jimin get here now" the younger barks and Jimin scurries over obediently.

The others all watch in pain, they hate seeing Jimin being used like this- he doesn't deserve it.

"W-what is it?" the elder stutters, fiddling with his fingers as the younger scoffs from his seat on the couch

"Why aren't you looking at me?" Jungkook growls, standing up and grabbing the smaller by his collar. He tugs Jimin upwards, making the elder squeak in fear, "Good little boys should know who's boss." he says, parroting the words his father once said to him, "Good boys should know when they're beaten" Jungkook hisses, pushing Jimin to the floor.

The elder shakes in fear as he begins to clamber backwards, using his hands until his back hits the wall.

"Pl-Please Jungkook, p-please calm down" Jimin croaks, barely audible

"You're worth nothing. Nothing. Do you hear that?" Jungkook hisses, cowering over the terrified looking boy, "Good boys should know their place. Good boys should accept their punishment" Jungkook spits before launching his foot into Jimin's side.

A small moan of pain emits from his mouth as tears run down the elders face, his body folding in half from the pain.

Finally, the others move towards Jungkook, not being able to let this go on any further. Jungkook notices them approaching and quickly waves them off,

"It's fine, I'm leaving now, he got what he deserves" Jungkook states, beginning to walk away, leaving the small boy curled in the corner crying silently.

"Jungkook" Jimin manages to croak out, his voice hoarse and painful.

Jungkook turns slightly, only half-listening and not really caring what the other has to say, in his eyes- he's dirt

"Jungkook" Jimin starts again, "No matter what you may think, you are not him, and you don't have to be. Jungkook, I don't blame you for this"

Jungkook leaves.

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