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"Treat others the way you wanted to be treated". It's a saying that everyone knows but few people follow. Everyone talks about how treating people good, is a good thing but if people don't treat you good, shouldn't you treat them in a way that isn't good. Everybody always treated me good and I liked being treated like that but the only problem was that I wouldn't treat everybody like I was treated. Everyone I knew would always tell me that I should treat people good and respect them. They told me this because to them I wouldn't treat my wife right. They would always tell me that she deserved to be treated better. I was just treating her how she was supposed to be treated, wasn't I?

It all started when I applied for the navy. She didn't want me to join because she didn't want me to leave her. Although she didn't want me to join, I was determined to go. She was my wife but she couldn't control me. Joining the navy was a dream for me, something I wanted to do all my life. As I went to apply, I saw the many men that wanted to join. The men looked bigger and stronger than me. Later I would get the news that I got accepted and had to join the navy. For me this was a perfect opportunity, my dream. For my wife it was her husband leaving her alone for a long time, but I didn't care. If my wife really loved me she would wait for me. I didn't know for how long I was going to be gone but I didn't care leaving my wife by herself. Joining the navy was my dream since I was a child and nobody was going to stop me from making it come true.

The day finally came that I had to leave. My wife got up to make breakfast for me.

"Aren't you going to have breakfast?" she asked

"No I'm not hungry" I answered

"At Least eat something before you go"

"I said I'm not hungry! Is that hard to understand? Now goodbye, I have to go"

"Aren't you going to give me a kiss?"

"No" I said as I closed the door

As I was waiting for the bus to come pick me up I saw another man waiting outside. He was joining the navy too. I saw as he kissed his wife goodbye and hugged her. His wife was in tears telling him to don't go, to don't leave her. The man obviously had to go. The bus pulled up and me and the man went. As I was walking to the bus the man asked me.

"You joining too?"

"Yeah" I said

"Must be hard leaving your wife by herself"

"Not really, she knows how to take care of herself" I said

"But she needs you, she needs her man to take care of her"

"She's a grown woman, she should know how to take care of herself"

He looked at me as if I said something wrong but I had said nothing wrong. We went on the bus and headed to where they were going to take us. The whole ride I thought about how my new life was going to be. Me being in the navy and helping my country.

Time passed and I got the training that I needed. I was ready. It was December 1st 1941, World War 1 was going on but we weren't fighting. I wondered what I would do if we ever got the chance to join the war. I never wondered how my wife was doing. She was a grown woman and had her own family to take care of her.

Days past and it was December 6th. We did the usual, train and prepare. I never really saw the point in in training everyday. We hadn't joined the war, that meant that nobody was going to attack us. The next day I woke up to a sunny morning. The sun was out and everybody was in a good mood. We trained but this time it was different. I looked up the sky and saw the sun shining down on the harbor until I realized something. I saw an airplane flying through the harbor then back. I thought it was nothing until I heard an explosion. As soon as I heard that explosion I looked up just to see more airplanes. All I heard were men screaming and rushing to safety. Some men got weapons and started attacking. I stayed there looking at the harbor being destroyed. Everything went up in smoke and I all I heard were the explosions as the bombs came down. Nobody was expecting the attack. It was a sunny day and everybody was in a good mood. I ran to get the weapons. I started shooting any airplanes that I saw. There were only a few planes left but almost all of the harbor was basically destroyed already. As I was shooting I saw a woman running. I stopped shooting and ran to the women. I ran until I realized that the woman was on the other side of the harbor. There was nothing I could do to get her. The moment came when we both stared at each other, both of us on each side. That was the moment I realized the woman was my wife. Before she could say anything I looked up only to see a plane above where she was standing. I knew what was coming. I saw as she opened her mouth, trying to tell me something but she couldn't.

"Move, hurry!!" I screamed

She looked up at the plane and realized what I was talking about. It was too late. I heard the explosion and realized what I was doing wrong all this time. I was treating her unfairly. I guess the things people said were right. I should've given her what she deserved. I should've always been there when she wanted me to. I should've given her all my attention and treated her how she deserved to be ready.

Days of depression past and the only thing I thought about was going home. I didn't want to be in the navy anymore. All this time I cared more about the navy than my own wife.

The time came when I had to go home. Before I went to my house I decided to go to my wife's house first. I wanted to tell them the news. I didn't want to tell them but I had to. As I walked into their house everybody was gathered in one room.

"Where is she?" They asked

"Did she tell you the good news?"

"You're going to be a father"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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