we met~

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Tsuna's pov

'how did I get in this situation?' I thought while silently sitting in an uncomfortable seat, rather, lap of our schools student council, reborn Sinclair-senpai.

I glance and the table beside me since I'm sitting sideways on his lap, I saw the other council members, they were all serious at the I discussion, I avoid to listen since it's their matter and not mine to solve, well what can I do.

Anyway, I should at least remember what happened since it all happen so fast.

~<1 hour earlier>~

It's already lunch time and as always, I went to the back of the school where there's trees, I opened my lunch box then smile, "well at least I know how to cook" I said then looked up at the sky, 'i wonder how is mother and father, I wish be back from Italy soon' I thought then sigh.

~<third persons pov>~

Tsuna silently ate his lunch as cool breeze touch his skin, he was about to bite on his omelette but someone held his and ate it, "hey, what are you doing?" Tsuna said while just staring at the person who stole his ate his food.

Sharp onyx eyes meet honey brown ones, "you, did you made that?" The man said, while looking down on Tsuna while his hand is against the tree.

Tsuna nodes, "why do you want to know?" The man sat beside tsuna then took off his fedora, "it taste good..so from now on you will be my servant" tsuna's eyes widen, "what do you- hey!" He stop when he was suddenly picked up and carried bridal style, "by the way, I'm reborn, I'm a two years older by you at least know what your masters name...and you'll know who to call out in bed" he said but left the last unspoken,tsuna stare at reborn then he heard murmuring from other students, he started blushing, "w-wait, s-senpai, I can walk on my own, so please put me down" tsuna said clutching on reborn's shirt, "....no" reborn smirk then held him closer, "if you want to hideouts cover your face" he said, then kept walking, until they reached the student council room, "wait, what are we doing here?" He asked while trying to get down from reborn, "right, I didn't told you...I'm the student council president and I have a meeting today so, as my servant you should come with me" he opened the door then saw that most of the others council members are already there.

Reborn let tsuna down then sat on his seat, leaving tsuna uhh na standing by the door, "oh my, reborn-kun, you seem to have company, who's this?" A girl with an orange flower tattoo under her right eye said, she's about the same age as reborn, "he's Sawada Tsunayoshi, my servant" tsuna froze then blush, "incident agree to be your servant, and how do you even know my full name, i- I only told you my name is tsuna" he said fuming.

"Shut up, no-good tsuna, just come here and sit" tsuna blushed while frowning, despite what he said, he obeyed reborn order and saw an empty chair behind reborn and desired to sit there.

Reborn pulled him, making him stumble and sat straight to reborn's lap, "who said your going to sit there, you're sitting here" he said while smirking

Tsuna blushed, then tried to stand up again but reborn got him on his waist, "ah, s-senpai" "master" "what?" "Call me master" tsuna blushed then looked away.

He saw the other smiling, smirking and looks jealous, (to reborn).

He looked back at reborn, ' he's smirking, why is he smirking' "y-yes, master" he said while looking down.

Now, you're all catch up, fifteen minutes have past and they're all going home, reborn was about to stand when tsuna didn't move, "oi, when- oh" tsuna was comfortably sleeping on reborn's chest with his red kissable lips slightly part.

"It seems like your 'servant' fell asleep, would you want me to take him? Kora" a blond man with a bandana on his head said.

Reborn glared at him then, "do you want a bullet on your head, Colonnello" he said, colonel flinch then raised his hands in a surrendering manner, "maa,maa
I was just Kidding, reborn" reborn was about to pick up his gun when tsuna shift a little, "Nnn, reborn" he mumble while snuggling closer to him.

"My, my, what could he be dreaming to mumble our presidents name" a man with a green hair and round spectacles said.

"Yare,yare, it seems reborn have found a lo-" a boy with short raven hair but long and braided at the back said but cut off when reborn glared at him, "okay, I'll shut up"

Reborn sigh and expect no more comments about the boy sleeping on his chest, he stand up carrying tsuna and open another door.

In that room consist a bathroom, a queen-sized bed, a tv set and a small kitchen, he laid tsuna on the bed and sat beside him while leaning against the head rest, 'what a handful servant' He thought then looked at the sleeping brunette.

He took off tsuna uniform coat then settled it on the chair beside them,reborn stood up then tried to get an espresso on the kitchen when he felt a small tug on the hem of his sleeves, he looked back and saw tsuna mumbling something, rather someone which made reborn frown, "giotto-san...Reborn"

Reborn sat back then leaned closer to tsuna's face inching closer and closer, until their lips touch.

Reborn could feel soft lips moves a little and open up, he took this chance to slid his tongue in, which earned a little moan from the brunette.

Reborn looked at tsuna's eyes and saw them opening up, tsuna frown but when reborn hit a sweet spot in his mouth he let out another moan.

Reborn pulled back and a string of saliva connecting them, tsuna was panting hard, " did you know that you can breath through your nose? Are your nose for accessory" reborn said with a smirk on his face clearly enjoying his precious time with the blushing brunette, "w-why did you do that?" Tsuna stuttered, reborn raised his eyebrow then smirked, "hn, let's just say, 'That's for me to know and for you to find out'"

Reborn stood up then made his own espresso, leaving a frozen tuna on the bed.

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