I moved in that summer and I was unhappy as hell. My Mom said it would be nice having a sibling older then me.But really was it? I met him and it was all weird like did I know him....
I woke up and I got dressed and put my hair in a messy bun and put my glasses on and I walked out my room and Greyson walked out with joggers on and he was shirtless. Messy bed hair and he had hickies scattered all along his neck. I bit my lip as he crept out. I looked up at him and whispered " Morning ..." He popped his head up and smiled softly and responded " Morning Ashleena right ?" " Yeah....Uh But call me Ash."
He walked up to me and held his hand out. I was going to shake it but I remembered where his hand had been last night. "Hi Ash " I shook his massive hand and looked down. "well I gotta pee so...I'll see you for breakfast." He walked away and I realize I have no idea how to get to the dining room. IT took me 30 minutes yesterday to find the bathroom alone. " GREYSON!" He turned around and looked around at me "huh?" " I don't know my way around the house.... " "oh yeah haha I'll walk you down I'll just met you in your room" "Okay" he smiled and scrambled to the bathroom.
I chuckled a bit and went to my room again. I looked around and took off my shirt and took my bra off." Ahh yes...." it felt good to let them breathe. I decided to walk around my room and then I went to my dresser and looked through it for a sweat shirt. " Ash!-" he walked in and closed the door "oh my God I'm so sorry"I turned red as hell I slid down the wall and looked at the door. I quickly put on my bra and a sweatshirt . I walked out the room looking down." Its okay...you didn't know " "No it's not I should have knocked. " "Greyson it's okay I promise. " "Alright well come on" he lead me down the hall go the left then the right to the stairs and down to the lounge area to the dining room. "Here we are and through that door should be the kitchen " "okay" Eric was at the head of the table and mom was working around the table putting food on everyone's plate.
We all sat down and ate breakfast. It was awfully quiet and awkward. I finished eating and I got up and walked to the kitchen to wash my plate and put it on the rack. I walked back out and sat at the table to finish my orange juice. "Hey Ash? " I looked up and looked around to the person that called me. It had been my mother " Ashie baby " I looked at her and she continued " how about Greyson and you go and tour the property there's much more behind those trees. " "uh....ma I don't -" then Eric cut me off and said " Yes that's a splendid idea " "Greyson what do you say" my mom looked at him and he gulped " uh I guess I'll give her the tour " met me at the front . " he added "Greyson..." I looked at him as I said that " where is the front?" " oh uh down the hall to the left of the stairs then take a left " " oh okay in an Hour?" "Sure " I got up and drank the rest of my juice and washed it out and went up to my room and got dressed.
Her outfit:
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I got dressed and walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and did some cute winged liner and flossed between my braces and put lip balm on. I walked down the stairs to the front where Greyson was standing. "Alright are you ready?" He said looking at me. I smiled and nodded and then we were off he should me the greenhouse the pool and open field that was practically the size of foot ball field. Also the dock lake area and the stables. The last place was the guest house where he sometimes stayed in. "This is my room here " he opened the door and i looked inside. "If you ever wanna come and chill here the room here." He opened the door to the left of his room ,"You are welcomed to stay here as well. I'm mostly here so if you ever wanna vent and be alone come here no one comes here besides me." I smiled and nodded "I think I'll start designing it" "go ahead there Is 3 more of these spread out" he said walking down the spiral stairs. I followed and he showed me the tour of the main house.