Chapter two - Awakening part 1

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Neo nervously opened her eyes, blinking as she quickly gathered the madness going on around her. They were surrounded by teens, encouraging them to fight, Valerie was on the floor, curled up as she sobbed-
And Kenny had his hands around the chain of the crystal necklace, yanking it off with one quick tug. Neo's eyes grew wide as he clutched it tightly in his hand. He smirks when she froze. He knew this would fuck with her.

"Hey! Give it back you asshole!" She then shoved the arms that held her pinned down and tried to grab the necklace, but he just pushed her away with one hand, while his arm held up the necklace out of her reach.

"Why do you want it so bad?"
"Because what? Oh, did you get it from your weak-ass girlfriend on the floor?"
"No! I got it from my mom! That's the only thing I ever got from her!" Neo felt her face redden from frustration. She never liked it when anyone touched it. Valerie and her father being the only exceptions.
"And stop saying that! She's not weak, and we're just friends!"

Kenny just laughs at this, pushing her hard enough to land her on her ass with a grunt.

"Well Bright colors....not so sorry about your loss. And I don't really care either. So.." He just shrugs, dropping the necklace and shattering it beneath her feet. Neo's eyes grew wide as she looked at the remaining shards of the crystal. She quietly crawled over and scooped the shards, only to have him smack it from her hands. She just sat there on her hands and knees, looking at the ground horrified. She clutched a hand to her chest, Kenny snorting.

"Wow...must of really liked that thing..I feel really bad for your father though. Without his wife he probably has you and your little friend there sitting on his lap whenever he gets his manly urges." Everyone around them started to laugh, Neo just clenching her teeth together, tears brimming her eyes.

"Aww, is the little baby gonna cry..? Does she want her mommy? Right, you killed her. Your dad probably hates your guts. He'd probably kill you without a care in the world. I bet no one would care either. I bet your friend here is being paid to be your friend.."

This only made her feelings conflict within her. One part of her wanting to break down to tears and another wanting to rip his head off. And something else, something strange. Something she's never felt before..
Suddenly the anger and fear was filled with a fiery rage that made her clench her fists. She toned everything out around her as she suddenly heard a voice in her head.

Use that anger..
Protect your friend..
Defend yourself...
Kill him!! Kill him now!!

Neo felt her body temperature rising in heat rather quickly, her nails and teeth sharpening. She was too angry to really notice how strange it was. She couldn't really think for herself; it seemed as if that voice was taking control. If it were part of her.

Get your revenge on this filthy human!

Before she could say anything, she felt a sharp pain on her cheek, putting a hard there as she came to.
"Did you hear me bitch? Get your ass up and fight me do something about it!" Kenny shouts, cracking his knuckles. Neo gets up slowly, her eyes now a bright yellow as she hissed and bared her fangs. Before Kenny could react she punched him again, this time harder than any average person. Kenny was stunned, but quickly regained his balance and extended his arm to get a hit but she swiftly dodged it. She pinned him to the wall and continued hitting him, mainly going for his head and face.

He is beneath you!
You're stronger than him, stronger than anyone!
You are a dragon!

Neo paused at her own thoughts her sudden thoughts.

A dragon?

Then a sick snapping sound brought her back into reality, her eyes resting on the bully she was beating rather brutality...then at everyone watching them.
Author's note

Thank you guys so much, especially my close friends, for loving and supporting my story! I feel so darn loved by you guys! X3
P.s - the thoughts of the voice for now is us usually dark, evil thought in italics, boldface and underlined
As for Iro's thought will just be italics and possibly boldface. Don't want confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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