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Caneada walked into her gas station to get some snacks before the school football. Acelynn points out a really cute guy working at the counter. I walk up to pay for my stuff. The guy smiles at me. I feel like I'm in love already. I look at his name tag and it says 'Kit' such a cute name. He gives me a different paper also my receipt. I look at the paper and see a phone number and I smile. Tonight's theme for the football game was favorite fairytale or Disney story. I was being Little Red Riding Hood while Acelynn is being Alice from Alice in wonderland. I'm so excited for the game we are going against Borgia school. Our team isn't that good. We're in band so I brought my costume to change into after half time. I look at the clock and I see we only have 5 minutes to walk down to the football field. We get down there with 1 minute to spare. We both play saxophone which is pretty cool. I see three cute guys in the Borgia side. We get done with half time and I go into my costume and wait for Acelynn to get finished with dressing up. We walk out the door and into the bleachers. We go over to the Borgia side because the other side is full. We sit down and there was the guy from the gas station. He had two cute friends with him. He sat next to me and said hi. I say it back and his friends start whispering. I look at their costumes they are all the big bad wolf but different forms. It's cute. I look over and talk to Kit. He introduced me to his friends the one with glasses is Charles and the one without glasses is Leo. I look over and Leo is looking at me. I blush and look down.

Gas Station {~Book 2~}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum