A day with zayn

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A while a later....

"ok Vivian its time to go home...say goodbye to daddy." You said to Vivian. "NOOO!! Mommy i want to stay with daddy please?"  "Vivian what did i tell you, dont talk back to mommy."  "ok, fine mommy. Bye daddy i love you!"  "bye honey, i love you too." Zayn said hugging her. "lets go....bye zayn."  "bye (y/n).."

The next day...


You: hello?!

Stranger: hey babe

You knew who it is right after he said babe. It was zayn of course cuz of the familiar voice.

You: dont babe me!

Zayn: fine, but you dont have to be mean.

You: why are you calling me?

Zayn: well...i want to spend a day with you and Vivian.

You: no..

Zayn: why?

You: cuz..cuz im busy today

Zayn: i know your lying (y/n)


Zayn: please?

You: no

Zayn: please?

You:ok fine

Zayn: meet me at the front door when your finish, bye!

                       *End Call*

Who does he think he is..bossing me around. You said to yourself "he's my daddy that's what he is.." Vivian said running to you. "Vivian! What did mommy say about this situation huh?!"  "not to be a nosy brat..." She said be a low pitch. "good now get dress because today we are spending the whole day with daddy." You said kissing Vivian on the cheek. "yay!!! I get to see daddy!!" Vivian said running to her room. After you and Vivian got dress you open the front door...and of course zayn car was parked in front of the side walk. "Vivian! Come to daddy!" Zayn said spending his arms wide open. "hi daddy!" Vivian said jumping in zayn's arms and kissing him on the cheek. zayn then look over at you and smile. "hey (y/n)"  "hey zayn..." You said as he lead you to his car.

Zayn decided to drive us to the zoo. "Vivian look its a monkey." Zayn said to Vivian who is running to the monkey. "HI MONKEY!! HI!!! Look monkey is eating a banana." Vivain said laughing. We visit a lot of animals but Vivian was hungry so we stop at the food court up stairs. "lets see..what do you want Vivian?" Zayn said to vivian. "umm.....pizza!!!"  "ok, how about you babe?" You gave him a death glare when he said babe to you. " tee-hee-hee daddy call mommy babe." Vivian said laughing. You look at Vivian and back to zayn. "you guys are so alike...you know." Zayn started to laugh and so did Vivian. "ill get pizza also.." You said rolling your eyes.

After you guys ate there was one particular animal that you want to see. Panda!!! You went to the panda section. "OMG! PANDAS LOOK ISNT THE PANDA ADORABLE!!" The woman saw how much you love pandas so she lrt you told a baby panda. "awww...zayn isnt it adorable!" You said carrying it in your hand. "mommy why dont you and daddy have another child." Vivian said looking at you two. You then look at zayn and back to Vivian. "who told you that?" "no one cuz i want to have a little sister to play with."  "umm...mommy will think about that ok?" you look at zayn and saw that he was smirking. That little..."ok.." Vivian said petting the panda.

Zayn had drive you and Vivian home and now its another day to begin.

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