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"No Kara I am not really in the mood to talk about it to him." I say to Kara. My 'boyfriend' if you can even call him that is a pot head. I told him I can't go out with him anymore if he keeps it up. Liam really messed up this time.

I was standing at my locker between English and Science still talking to Kara when all of a sudden everything went dark and I felt my the middle of my shoulder blades start to burn.

I wake up in a place I've never been before. "Hello, Shaylin are you awake?" I hear someone, a girl's voice say. "Nurse she's coming to." I look over and the girl who was just talking is standing next to my bed. She has very dark curly auburn hair with some black in it. She has striking hazel eyes.

"Hi I'm Aria. You are in the Montgomery Finishing School for vampires. I'm your roommate. It's very nice to meet you." The girl who's I now know who's name is Aria says.

"Well I guess you already know my name is Shaylin. You can call me Shay. Did you just say finishing school for vampires?" I say sort of stunned.

Aria nods her head and says. "Yes that's what I said." My mom told me about vampires and all that but I never thought it could happen to me.

I start to sit up and I feel my back sting a little. I remember that it hurt when it happened, but what has happened to me? "So how did all of this happen?" I ask confused.

"Well you were chosen by a vampire tracker. The tracker came and gave you the red spiral on your back. You see when you complete the change into a vampire the spiral will start to be added onto depending on your career and learning." Aria says.

"Do you have one as well?" I ask. Aria nods and turns around. She pulls her hair over her shoulder and the low cut back of her top reavealed a little red spiral in between her shoulders. "Do my parents know I'm here?" Not that my step dad would care where I was but I was still wondering if my mom knows about all of this.

"Yes, your mother is in talking to the High Priestess of this school Calla. Calla as you should probably want to know is the one who chose you for the tracker to find. She's your mentor." Aria says.

The nurse walks up to me and says. "You can leave with Aria so you can go to your dorm and get ready for dinner." I nod and ask. "What time is it?" Aria says. "4:30 am" I almost freak out but then I remembered that vampires are sensitive to sunlight. She must have sensed my confusion because she says, "Yeah I know, classes start at 9:00 pm and end at 4:00 am. Lunch is at 12:30 am and dinner is at 5:00 am. Come on I'll take you to our room." I nod and follow her out of the medical wing.

We walk to what I'm assuming is the girl's dorm seeing as how there are a bunch of girls rushing around. We walk up to a room and Aria opened the door. We walk in and as Aria is sitting on what I'm guessing is her bed and she says, "That's your bed."

I sit down and I didn't notice it at fris but when I looked down I saw that the bed was made up with my Harry Potter bed sheets from home. I look around the room and see Aria's posters of Justin Timberlake on the wall and my stuff from my room back at home. I smile at that fact.

"There's 15 minutes until dinner starts so go get dressed in something nice. I'll be waiting for you when you come out." She says.

I walk over to the closet on my side of the room and pull out my navy blue dress and my white pumps. I go into the bathroom attached to our room. I look in the mirror and I see how weirdly beautiful and grown up I look. My cheekbones are higher and my hair looks very healthy and shiny. I figure that this is only the beginning of my transitioning body and features.

I notice my makeup bag sitting on the counter and I decide to throw on some light eyeshadow, my black liquid eyeliner, some mascara and a little lip gloss. I walk out of the bathroom and Aria says, "That dress is really cute Shay." I smile and say, "Thanks Aria. You can borrow it if you need it ever." She nods and asks, "Ready to go meet some people?"

I nod and we walk into the dining hall. The room is full of teenagers and very beautiful adults. Aria walks me to a line of very good looking food. I put together a salad and grab a piece of chicken. I follow Aria to a table of people and sit down next to her. Everyone is smiling at me so I smile back. "Hey guys this is Shaylin. She's the new fledgling. Shaylin this is Tyler he's gay," Tyler smiles at me. "This is Charlotte you can call her Charlie or Char," Aria points to a very pretty, small girl with dark skin and green eyes. "And this is Elizabeth" Aria says nodding to a girl with long chocolate brown hair that has purple highlights.

"It's very nice to meet you all." I say and sit down. "So Shay after dinner we have a council meeting in the auditorium so High Priestess Calla can welcome newcoming fledglings to our school." Aria says.

"You have very pretty eyes Shaylin." Tyler says. "Thank you Tyler." I say before putting some salad into my mouth. The chicken is really good.

There were glasses of what looked like red wine in front of all of us. "They serve us wine? We're teenagers." Charlotte laughs and says, "Vampires can't get drunk. Even fledglings can barely get a buzz from it. You have a lot to learn Shaylin, but don't worry most of it will come naturally."

"Oh, okay. I get it." I say and pick up the glass and take a sip. It's very rich and sweet. I've never really liked wine that much but this one was good if felt almost warm going down my throat.

We all finished and Aria walked me to the gigantic auditorium with the others. I finally caught a glimpse of Calla, our High Priestess. She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my entire life. She has gorgeous long blonde hair with icy blue eyes.

"So that's Calla?" I ask Elizabeth who I say down next to. "Yes that's Calla." She answers.

Calla spoke. "Merry meet everyone. We are all here to welcome our new fledglings. Please welcome Shaylin Carter into our school with open arms. The goddess Nyx has chosen Shaylin to be one of us. I hope that the goddess has gifted you well Shaylin Carter." She says with such grace, a beautiful voice to go along with her beauty. Calla caught my eye and gave me a mother-like smile. "As Shaylin's mentor I hope all of you are kind and welcoming to her. Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again." The fledglings echoed her.

We all left back to our dorms after the council meeting. Aria, Elizabeth, Charlotte and I sat down in the tv room and we all watched Twilight. "Gosh these movies don't even remotely portray real vamps like us." Aria says. We all nod in agreement. I noticed there were a bunch of cats walking around the tv room and everywhere.

"What's with the cats?" I ask. Elizabeth looks up from the tv and says, "Vampires and cats get along very well together." Makes sense I guess. "Does everyone have one?" I ask. Charlie shakes her head and says, "No they choose us as there owner. Like Liz and my cat Vader, he chose us."

"Oh okay." I say and we go back to watching the not-so-accurate movie about vampires. I wonder if a cat will choose me as it's person.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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