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Our wedding is in two weeks and things are just getting crazier and crazier. Me and Sabrina are both stressed out so we've been at each other's throats. She's pregnant so her emotions are playing a part of it as well.

We found a house in Calabasas last weekend and closed on it ASAP. We were moved in within the next few days.

So that was one less thing to worry about.

Now all of our focus is on the wedding.

I honestly can't wait until it's over with. I'm tired of hearing about it and I'm tired of paying for extra shit because Sabrina keeps making changes.

That's something else we've been arguing about.

I think I've spent at least 500,000 dollars over our budget, that's fucking crazy.

I wish I would've agreed to a wedding special but you best believe these wedding pics will be sold to the highest bidder. I don't give a fuck!

Sabrina doesn't want to do it but I don't care.

Today was our first wedding rehearsal.

I can't wait until my bachelor party! That's the only exciting thing about this whole wedding.

I sat in the back and watched Sabrina tell the wedding planner how to do her job.

She so fucking annoying sometimes man.

I was ready to get this rehearsal over with so I can hit the studio.

"Can you just let the lady do her damn job! I got shit to do man." I yelled.

Sabrina just looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Can we get this rehearsal started please?" I asked.

Sabrina shook her head and walked to the back.

"Okay groom we need you up in the front. The bridesmaids and groomsmen line up outside those doors with your assigned partner." The wedding planner directed. "I want the mothers in front of the bridesmaids and groomsmen, Chris's mom first and then Sabrina's. Chris's mom will be holding Royalty and Sabrina's mom will have Reign. Okay and just for today we'll have a cd playing the music, next rehearsal Jamie will be here. Okay let's run through this.

The music started playing and everybody started walking in.

In two weeks I'd be doing this for real. I think I'm slowly becoming nervous.

Everybody walked in and took their spots and they closed the doors. I took a deep breath. Preparing myself like its the real day.

The doors opened and she just looked at me. She was looking as nervous as I did.

As she came down her dad just talked to her. I wonder what he's saying. I wonder what's going through her head. Was she having second thoughts?

She got up to me and I grabbed her hands.

"Okay perfect." The wedding planner said. "Do you guys wanna go through it one more time?"

"No I know everybody has a busy schedule and we'll be back in a few days." Sabrina said.

"Okay, well that's it for today you guys." She said.

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