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Like what would the human race do if there was just this one zombie wandering around but everyone knew it was a zombie because it was like some really famous person and shit, like George Washington or someone like that. Everyone knows he's dead but here he is walking down the street. He not hurting anyone or like trying to eat people's brains or anything. Nope just some dead guy walking down the street. What would humanity do? Would a zombie apocalypse really be that hard to like have though? I read this article one that said that if rabies mutated to that the carrier lived longer that's pretty much all that needs to happen for the zombie apocalypse to happen. If zombies showed up in my town I'd get my butt to either the grocery store or the school. Most people would go to the grocery store but if you think about it the school feeds hundreds of kids so you and your five friends would have enough food to last you. And think of all the sucurity systems in schools these days like no zombies are getting in to that place. Also there is the science lab. Go hijack a car and make sure your science teacher isn't a zombie and make a cure. Like school is the place to be during the zombie apocalypse. Most of the people are gonna flee the area and you and your family and friends are gonna be safe cuz you people were smart and read this. But just so uou know if you're at school in my town there I'm a choosy person and can only stand so many people. You might get kicked out with the zombies. Just sayin. I'm an antisocial freak so this school gonna look abandoned but you're gonna have to face me and my science teacher to get in. And she can be frightening at times, very frightening. You don't want to be on her bad side.
This was a long rant about the zombie apocalypse. You all should have learned at least a little bit. So take advice from me, the random author on wat pad who is up stupid late ranting about stuff, and be safe out there. You never know when the zombies could strike. You don't know... thanks for reading chapter one of I'm tied and need sleep. If you actually read this you probably need some sleep too, or a medication one of the two. I will probably be back eventually at midnight ranting about something else. Until then though, get some sleep people's. Seeya bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2017 ⏰

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