Chapter 1

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Louis' POV
I woke up to the sound of fists pounding onto my door and little shouts of urgency. I chuckled and clawed into a sitting position and told my mum to come in, She entered with a sheepish smile and said that I needed to wake for school. I nodded and flung the duvet off of my legs and stretched my arms. I hung my short legs off of my bed and pondered over what I should wear today. I eventually got up and went to the bathroom to shower. I tinkered with the faucet until the temperature fit my liking, I stripped off my boxers, and jumped into the warm water. I sighed, contentedly, and grabbed my body wash and loofa. I scrubbed my body and rinsed off while grabbing my shampoo. I lathered a glop onto my head and scrubbed until I was satisfied.

I hopped out once the soap was out of my hair and wrapped a fluffy towel around my dripping torso. Running my fingers through my hair I walked to my closet and grabbed the outfit I had previously planned on wearing, which consisted of black skinny jeans and a black Ramones tshirt. I started off to the door and ventured down the stairs, the scent of coffee filling my senses. Smiling, I walked into the kitchen seeing my mum with a cup of coffee in hand and kissing her cheek.
"Morning, mum." I muttered to her once I pulled away.
"Good morning, Lou." She replied, smiling slightly, I grabbed for a granola bar in the cupboard and unwrapped it and shoving it into my mouth and throwing away the trash. I snagged my bookbag from the dining room chair and patted my pockets for my phone. I didn't have it, I went to my room and snatched it from the charger and walked downstairs saying goodbye to my mother.

I started on my way to the bus stop just in time, for the bus has just stopped to pick up the kids for their ride to school. I climbed the steps and sat in the last seat on the right, I looked at my phone, and saw I had two messages.

Liam: 'm not coming 2day im sick::(

I smiled at that, because he always makes that excuse and typed a reply.

Louis: mhmm sure u r ;)

I looked at the other one while furrowing my eyebrows.

Mom: we need to talk when you get home.


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